c# - Entity Framework 数据绑定(bind)通过循环

标签 c# entity-framework

我是 EF 的新手。当我们使用数据读取器或数据集时,有时我们会在循环中填充控件的值。喜欢

  datareader dr=getdata()
    // in this loop we can populate control with value from datareader 

  dataset ds =getdata()
  for(int i=0;i<=ds.tables[0].rows.count-1;i++)
    // in this loop we can populate control with value from dataset

所以我只想知道当我使用 EF 时,我如何在循环中迭代并用值填充控件。

另一个问题是如何在 EF 中检查 null。




// Get all the cars
List<Car> cars = context.Cars.ToList();

// Clear the DataViewGrid

// Populate the grid
foreach (Car car in cars)
    // Add a new row
    int rowIndex = uiGrid.Rows.Add();
    DataGridViewRow newRow = uiGrid.Rows[rowIndex];

    // Populate the cells with data for this car
    newRow.Cells["Make"].Value = car.Make;
    newRow.Cells["Model"].Value = car.Model;
    newRow.Cells["Description"].Value = car.Description;

    // If the price is not null then add it to the price column
    if (car.Price != null)
        newRow.Cells["Price"].Value = car.Price;
        newRow.Cells["Price"].Value = "No Price Available";

关于c# - Entity Framework 数据绑定(bind)通过循环,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5190169/


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