c# - 如何将数据类型(string)转换为类型(form)

标签 c# winforms


string Str = "MainForm";       // this is form name 
// I try to convert the data type string to form type like this
Form FormNm = (Form) Str ;
// there is the message appears cannot convert type 'sting'   to 'form'
TransLang.SaveControlsLanguage(FormNm);   // this is the class



string myType = "MyAssembly.MyType";

Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFrom("MyAssembly.dll"); // creating instance by loading from other assembly
//Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();  // for creating instance from same assembly
//Assembly asm = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); // for creating instance from entry assembly
Type t = asm.GetType(myType);

Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(t, null, null);

因为它是一个 System.Windows.Form 如果你想显示你可以做的表单

Form frm = obj as Form; // safely typecast
if (frm != null) // kewl it is of type Form
    //work with your form

关于c# - 如何将数据类型(string)转换为类型(form),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14412652/


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