c# - 比较大量对象

标签 c# asp.net-mvc-3

我有一个表单,其中包含一次全部更新的对象列表。在 Controller 中,嵌套循环将每个模型与其他模型进行比较,以便确定哪些对象已更新,哪些是新对象。

foreach(var x in formObject)
    foreach(var y in dbObject)
        if(x.id == y.id)
             //compare each property and notify user of change if different




您可以在 Linq 中使用联接:

var differences = 
    from x in formObject
    join y in dbObject on x.id equals y.id
    where ( /* compare each property */ )
    select new { /* what do you want to tell the user */ };



var differences =
    formObject.Join(dbObject, x => x.id, y => y.id, (x, y) => new { x, y })
              .Where(p => /* compare properties of p.x and p.y */)
              .Select(p => new { /* what do you want to tell the user */ });

关于c# - 比较大量对象,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19942275/


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