c# - 扩展 Entity Framework 的工作单元

标签 c# asp.net-mvc entity-framework

我正在尝试将 Unit of Work 实现到我的项目中,并有一些快速的问题。我正在使用显示的类 by this tutorial :

因此,当我实现它时,假设我将类 Users 设为 GenericRepository。如果有一些项目我想添加到 Users 类但不是 GenericRepository 的一部分怎么办。

如何创建另一个接口(interface)并使用某种类型的继承,这样我仍然可以从 GenericRepository 中获取内容以及我想要的新功能。


public interface ICategoryRepository : IGenericRepository<Category>
    IEnumerable<LocalComicCategoriesModel> GetCategories();
    IEnumerable<LocalComicCategoriesModel> GetCategoriesByComicID(int comicid, bool appendCategories);

public class CategoryRepository : GenericRepository<Category>, ICategoryRepository
    new ComicEntities context;

    public CategoryRepository(ComicEntities context) : base(context)
        this.context = context;


    public IEnumerable<LocalComicCategoriesModel> GetCategories()
        return context.Categorys.Select(i => new LocalComicCategoriesModel { Id = i.Category_Id, Title = i.Name });

    public IEnumerable<LocalComicCategoriesModel> GetCategoriesByComicID(int comicid, bool appendCategories)
        if (appendCategories == true)
            IEnumerable<LocalComicCategoriesModel> query = from tbcat in context.Categorys
                                                           join tbitem_cat in context.ComicCategorys.Where(i => i.Comic_Id == comicid)
                                                           on tbcat.Category_Id equals tbitem_cat.Category_Id into ct
                                                           from tbitem_cat in ct.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                                           select new LocalComicCategoriesModel
                                                               Id = tbcat.Category_Id,
                                                               Title = tbcat.Name,
                                                               isChecked = tbitem_cat == null ? false : true

            return query;
            IEnumerable<LocalComicCategoriesModel> returnedCategories = from t in context.Categorys
                                                                        join v in context.ComicCategorys on t.Category_Id equals v.Category_Id
                                                                        where v.Comic_Id == comicid
                                                                        select new LocalComicCategoriesModel
                                                                            Id = v.Category_Id,
                                                                            isChecked = true,
                                                                            Title = t.Name

            return returnedCategories;


'Comics.Models.Category' cannot be used as type parameter 'TEntity' in the generic type or method 'Comics.DAL.Interfaces.GenericRepository<TEntity>'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'Comics.Models.Category' to 'Comics.DAL.Interfaces.IGenericRepository<Comics.Models.Category>'.



 public interface IRepository<T> where T : class
     IQueryable<T> All();
     IQueryable<T> Find(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate);        
     T GetById(int id);

     // and the rest of your methods


IRepository<MyClass> MyClassRepository

现在,对于需要额外功能的类(比如你的 User 类),你可以像这样创建一个额外的存储库:

public interface IUserRepository : IRepository<User>
        IQueryable<User> AllAuthorized();
        IQueryable<User> AllConfirmed();

然后要使用它,从您的通用存储库继承并让它实现您的 IUserRepository界面。

    public class UserRepository : Repository<User>, IUserRepository
        public IQueryable<User> AllAuthorized()
            // implement here

        public IQueryable<User> AllConfirmed()
           // implement here

现在不是实例化 IRepository<User> ,您只需使用 IUserRepository

关于c# - 扩展 Entity Framework 的工作单元,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21652537/


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