GoogleService-Info.plist 文件中的 iOS Firebase IS_ADS_ENABLED 标志

标签 ios firebase configuration plist

在向 iOS 应用程序添加 Firebase 支持时,Firebase 会生成此 GoogleService-Info.plist 文件。

此文件中的标志之一是 IS_ADS_ENABLED,默认为 true

我找不到这个标志的任何文档(在网站上或 FIROptions 中)。有谁知道它的作用以及我什么时候可以禁用它?


Firebase 支持给出了关于 IS_ADS_ENABLED 的答案

The IS_ADS_ENABLED key was previously used on Firebase projects that are using Google Ads features. However, it's deprecated now, but your app should have no issues whether it's set to true or false. We're still looking for solutions to remove this for all projects to avoid confusion. As of now, we are yet to find out any details or timelines as to when it will be implemented


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