c# - KryptonSeparator 调整大小问题

标签 c# .net vb.net krypton-toolkit krypton


我需要使用 KryptonSeparator 的帮助.


enter image description here



enter image description here

我认为我没有正确使用 KryptonSeparator 的事件参数,因为当我将分隔符向左移动时,我是基于使用分隔符的宽度而不是事件数据进行计算(因为我不知道如何正确地做到这一点)。




左右控件都分配了 MinimumSize 属性,如果达到 MinimumSize.Width,我将尝试停止调整大小。

这是源代码,在 VB.Net 中:

''' <summary>
''' Handles the SplitterMoving event of the KryptonSeparator1 control.
''' </summary>
Private Sub KryptonSeparator1_SplitterMoving(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SplitterCancelEventArgs) _
Handles KryptonSeparator1.SplitterMoving

    Dim separator As KryptonSeparator = DirectCast(sender, KryptonSeparator)
    Dim leftCtrl As Control = Control1
    Dim rightCtrl As Control = Control2

    If (e.MouseCursorX > 0) _
    AndAlso Not ((rightCtrl.Size.Width - e.MouseCursorX) < rightCtrl.MinimumSize.Width) Then

        separator.Location = New Point(separator.Location.X + e.MouseCursorX, separator.Location.Y)
        leftCtrl.Width += e.MouseCursorX
        rightCtrl.Width -= e.MouseCursorX
        rightCtrl.Left = separator.Right

    ElseIf (e.MouseCursorX < 0) _
    AndAlso Not ((leftCtrl.Size.Width + e.MouseCursorX - separator.Width) < leftCtrl.MinimumSize.Width) Then

        separator.Location = New Point(separator.Location.X - separator.Width, separator.Location.Y)
        leftCtrl.Width -= separator.Width
        rightCtrl.Width += separator.Width
        rightCtrl.Left = separator.Right

    End If

End Sub

这是源代码,在 C# 中:

/// Handles the SplitterMoving event of the KryptonSeparator1 control.
/// </summary>
private void KryptonSeparator1_SplitterMoving(object sender, SplitterCancelEventArgs e)
    KryptonSeparator separator = (KryptonSeparator)sender;
    FolderView leftCtrl = this.FolderView_Files;
    KryptonListBox rightCtrl = this.KryptonListBox_Files;

    if ((e.MouseCursorX > 0) && !((rightCtrl.Size.Width - e.MouseCursorX) < rightCtrl.MinimumSize.Width)) {
        separator.Location = new Point(separator.Location.X + e.MouseCursorX, separator.Location.Y);
        leftCtrl.Width += e.MouseCursorX;
        rightCtrl.Width -= e.MouseCursorX;
        rightCtrl.Left = separator.Right;

    } else if ((e.MouseCursorX < 0) && !((leftCtrl.Size.Width + e.MouseCursorX - separator.Width) < leftCtrl.MinimumSize.Width)) {
        separator.Location = new Point(separator.Location.X - separator.Width, separator.Location.Y);
        leftCtrl.Width -= separator.Width;
        rightCtrl.Width += separator.Width;
        rightCtrl.Left = separator.Right;



//Service provided by Telerik (www.telerik.com)






Private mouse_Down As Point //you can use an integer also because y coordinate remains the same
Private totalWidth As Integer

//mouse down event
mouse_Down.X = e.MouseCursorX
totalWidth = seperator.Width + LeftControl.Width + RightControl.Width

Private Sub KryptonSeparator1_SplitterMoving(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SplitterCancelEventArgs) Handles KryptonSeparator1.SplitterMoving

    Dim separator As KryptonSeparator = DirectCast(sender, KryptonSeparator)
    Dim leftCtrl As Control = Control1
    Dim rightCtrl As Control = Control2
    Dim leftWidth, rightWidth As Integer

    leftWidth = leftCtrl.Width + (e.MouseCursorX - mouse_Down.X)
    rightWidth = rightCtrl.Width - (e.MouseCursorX - mouse_Down.X)

    If leftWidth <= leftCtrl.MinimumSize.Width Then
        leftCtrl.Width = leftCtrl.MinimumSize.Width
        separator.Left = leftCtrl.Left + leftCtrl.MinimumSize.Width
        rightCtrl.Left = leftCtrl.Left + leftCtrl.MinimumSize.Width + separator.Width
        rightCtrl.Width = totalWidth - leftCtrl.MinimumSize.Width - separator.Width

    End If

    If rightWidth <= rightCtrl.MinimumSize.Width Then
        leftCtrl.Width = totalWidth - rightCtrl.MinimumSize.Width - separator.Width
        separator.Left = leftCtrl.Left + leftCtrl.Width
        rightCtrl.Left = leftCtrl.Left + leftCtrl.Width + separator.Width
        rightCtrl.Width = rightCtrl.MinimumSize.Width

    End If

    separator.Left += (e.MouseCursorX - mouse_Down.X)
    leftCtrl.Width = leftWidth
    rightCtrl.Width = rightWidth
    rightCtrl.Left = leftCtrl.Left + leftWidth + separator.Width

End Sub



//mouse down event
//mouse_Down.X = e.MouseCursorX
mouse_Down.X = MousePosition.X
mouse_Down.Y = MousePosition.Y
mouse_Down = seperator.PointToClient(mouse_Down)

totalWidth = seperator.Width + LeftControl.Width + RightControl.Width

SplitterMoving 中:

Dim leftWidth, rightWidth As Integer
Dim pnt As Point

pnt.X = MousePosition.X
pnt.Y = MousePosition.Y

pnt = seperator.PointToClient(pnt)

//replace e.MouseCursorX with pnt.X

编辑 2


  1. 使用 e.MouseCursorX 确定调整大小的方向(左或右)是错误的,例如您将光标移动到左(左方向) ), 保留在分隔符内,e.MouseCursorX 仍然是正数,因此您正在向右侧调整大小(当然直到 e.MouseCursorX 变为负数) 而不是离开!
  2. 您的代码会检查最小大小,但当比较结果为 false不执行任何操作,这意味着控件的结果大小较小。 当发生这种情况时,您需要实际设置控件的大小例如 假设最小大小为50,而控件大小为55。如果调整大小非常快,则控件的最终大小可能会变为 49。你的代码什么都不做(比较是错误的)和大小 控件保持 55 而不是将其设置为 50

我的解决方案解决了这两种情况。但是,您所说的糟糕效果的真正问题不是这两个错误。其实是, 当您调整控件大小时,应用程序的响应速度太慢。更具体地说,当您向右调整移动 控件(ListBox_Files)。如果您拖放少量(1 或 2)个文件并查看结果,您可以自行检查。这是一个巨大的 不同之处。不幸的是,这告诉我你对此无能为力。您需要更改调整大小的逻辑。两种解决方案:

  1. 使用一个控件并自定义绘制所有内容、文本、图标、垂直-水平滚动条等。(不推荐!)
  2. 做 visual studio 和其他应用程序正在做的事情。在释放按钮之前不要调整控件的大小。只显示一条垂直线:

enter image description here

enter image description here

关于c# - KryptonSeparator 调整大小问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27163071/


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