c# - .net 核心注入(inject)和解析服务

标签 c# asp.net-core entity-framework-core asp.net-core-mvc asp.net-core-webapi

我正在尝试 .net 核心 web api。我创建了一个静态方法来像这样注册我的 Controller :

public static class RegistrationExtensions
    public static void RegisterApplicationServices(this IServiceCollection services, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)

    public static void RegisterSingletons(this IServiceCollection services)

    public static void RegisterRequests(this IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddScoped<ISettingsService, SettingsService>();

    public static void RegisterTransient(this IServiceCollection services, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
        var config = serviceProvider.GetService<Configuration>();
        services.AddDbContext<InteractiveChoicesContext>(m => m.UseSqlServer(config.ConnectionString));

如您所见,我想解析包含我的ConnectionStringConfiguration 类,我将其传递到DbContext。 请解决我试图使用 IServiceProviderConfiguration,它被注入(inject)到 RegisterApplicationServices 方法中。

为了调用此方法,我将 Startup 类的 ConfigureServices 更改为:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)


The ConfigureServices method must either be parameterless or take only one parameter of type IServiceCollection.

错误很明显。我的问题是:如何解析我的 RegisterTransient 方法中的 Configuration 类?


实际上是重载了AddDbContext这需要 Action<IServiceProvider, DbContextOptionsBuilder>这应该正是您正在寻找的。


services.AddDbContext<InteractiveChoicesContext>((provider, options) =>
    var config = provider.GetService<Configuration>();

我已经使用 v2、v3 和 v5 对此进行了测试。 EF Core 2.0.0 中指定的此重载的文档被逐字包含以供后代和相关性

// Summary:
//     Registers the given context as a service in the 
//     Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection.
//     You use this method when using dependency injection in your application, such
//     as with ASP.NET. For more information on setting up dependency injection, see
//     http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=526890.
//     This overload has an optionsAction that provides the applications 
//     System.IServiceProvider.
//     This is useful if you want to setup Entity Framework to resolve its internal
//     services from the primary application service provider. By default, we recommend
//     using the other overload, which allows Entity Framework to create and maintain
//     its own System.IServiceProvider for internal Entity Framework services.
// Parameters:
//   serviceCollection:
//     The Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection to add services
//     to.
//   optionsAction:
//     An optional action to configure the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContextOptions
//     for the context. This provides an alternative to performing configuration of
//     the context by overriding the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext
//     .OnConfiguring(Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContextOptionsBuilder)
//     method in your derived context.
//     If an action is supplied here, the 
//     Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext
//     .OnConfiguring(Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContextOptionsBuilder)
//     method will still be run if it has been overridden on the 
//     derived context. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext
//     .OnConfiguring(Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContextOptionsBuilder)
//     configuration will be applied in addition to configuration performed here.
//     In order for the options to be passed into your context, you need 
//     to expose a constructor on your context that takes 
//     Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContextOptions`1
//     and passes it to the base constructor of 
//     Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext.
//   contextLifetime:
//     The lifetime with which to register the DbContext 
//   service in the container.
//   optionsLifetime:
//     The lifetime with which to register the DbContextOptions
//     service in the container.
// Type parameters:
//   TContext:
//     The type of context to be registered.
// Returns:
//     The same service collection so that multiple calls can be chained.
public static IServiceCollection AddDbContext<TContext>(
    [NotNullAttribute] this IServiceCollection serviceCollection, 
    [CanBeNullAttribute] Action<IServiceProvider, DbContextOptionsBuilder> optionsAction, 
    ServiceLifetime contextLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Scoped, 
    ServiceLifetime optionsLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Scoped
) where TContext : DbContext;

关于c# - .net 核心注入(inject)和解析服务,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47475995/


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