c# - 如何通过 VSPackage 取消 ToolWindowPane 或 Visual Studio IDE 关闭操作?

标签 c# visual-studio vs-extensibility vspackage

我有一个 VSPackage,它带有一个包含表单数据的可停靠工具窗口。如果此表单中有未保存的更改,如果用户在关闭前单击取消保存更改,我想取消关闭工具窗口和 visual studio IDE。我可以在关闭时执行保存测试,但我没有看到任何事件处理程序方法或其他选项来实际取消关闭。


    private DTE2 _applicationObject = null;
    /// <summary>This property gets the visual studio IDE application object.</summary>
    public DTE2 ApplicationObject
            if (_applicationObject == null)
                // Get an instance of the currently running Visual Studio IDE
                DTE dte = (DTE)GetService(typeof(DTE));
                _applicationObject = dte as DTE2;
            return _applicationObject;
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialization of the package; this method is called right after the package is sited, so this is the place
    /// where you can put all the initilaization code that rely on services provided by VisualStudio.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void Initialize()
        Trace.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Entering Initialize() of: {0}", this.ToString()));

        // add the event handlers
        if (ApplicationObject != null)
            // wire up window events
            PackageWindowEvents = (WindowEvents)ApplicationObject.Events.get_WindowEvents(null);
            PackageWindowEvents.WindowClosing += new _dispWindowEvents_WindowClosingEventHandler(PackageWindowEvents_WindowClosing);

            // wire up solution events
            PackageSolutionEvents = ApplicationObject.Events.SolutionEvents;
            PackageSolutionEvents.Opened += new _dispSolutionEvents_OpenedEventHandler(CheckOpenCurrentSolution);

            // wire up DTE events
            PackageDTEEvents = ApplicationObject.Events.DTEEvents;
            PackageDTEEvents.OnBeginShutdown += new _dispDTEEvents_OnBeginShutdownEventHandler(HandleVisualStudioShutdown);

    void PackageWindowEvents_WindowClosing(Window window)
        // handle save/cancel scenarios

还有来自实现 IVsWindowFrameNotify3ToolWindowPane 的一些简介:

    protected override void OnClose()
    public int OnClose(ref uint pgrfSaveOptions)
        return (int)__FRAMECLOSE.FRAMECLOSE_PromptSave;

OnCloseWindowClosing 方法会按预期触发,但我找不到取消关闭的方法。我错过了什么?取消关闭需要不同的事件吗?


为了完整起见,有一种使用工具窗口取消关闭的有用方法(由用户 Chicobo 在 msdn 论坛上提供并重复 here)。

  1. 在您的 ToolWindowPane 类中,实现 IVsWindowFrameNotify2 接口(interface),该接口(interface)提供方法 OnClose

  2. 要取消窗口关闭,考虑使用:

    public int OnClose(ref uint pgrfSaveOptions)
        // Check if your content is dirty here, then
        // Prompt a dialog
        MessageBoxResult res = MessageBox.Show("This Document has been modified. Do you want to save the changes ?",
                      "Unsaved changes", MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
        // If the users wants to save
        if (res == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
            // Handle with your "save method here"
        if (res == MessageBoxResult.Cancel)
            // If "cancel" is clicked, abort the close
            return VSConstants.E_ABORT;
        // Else, exit
        return VSConstants.S_OK;

关于c# - 如何通过 VSPackage 取消 ToolWindowPane 或 Visual Studio IDE 关闭操作?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2385146/


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