c# - 如何匹配正则表达式模式并从中提取数据

标签 c# regex

我可以在格式为 {key-value}Some text{/key} 的文本区域内有 0 个或多个子字符串,


我想遍历匹配此模式的任何项目,根据键和值执行和操作,然后用新字符串替换此子字符串(由基于键的操作检索的 anchor 链接) .

我如何在 C# 中实现这一点?




result = Regex.Replace(subject, 
    @"\{                # opening brace
    (?<key>\w+)         # Match the key (alnum), capture into the group 'key'
    -                   # dash
    (?<value>\w+)       # Match the value (alnum), capture it as above
    \}                  # closing brace
    (?<content>         # Match and capture into the group 'content':
     (?:                # Match...
      (?!\{/?\k<key>)   # (unless there's an opening or closing tag
      .                 # of the same name right here) any character
     )*                 # any number of times
    )                   # End of capturing group
    \{/\k<key>\}        # Match the closing tag.", 
    new MatchEvaluator(ComputeReplacement), RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);

public String ComputeReplacement(Match m) {
    // You can vary the replacement text for each match on-the-fly
    // m.Groups["key"].Value will contain the key
    // m.Groups["value"].Value will contain the value of the match
    // m.Groups["value"].Value will contain the content between the tags
    return ""; // change this to return the string you generated here

关于c# - 如何匹配正则表达式模式并从中提取数据,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14736697/


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