c# - 数组在.NET4.0中共享内存-反射或StructLayout可以实现吗?

标签 c# arrays reflection .net-4.0 structlayout


作为解决方案,我希望拥有一个巨大的数组(PointF [])并由我自己进行段的分配和管理。但是我不知道如何使两个(或更多)阵列共享相同的内存空间。

PointF[] giganticList = new PointF[100];
PointF[] segment = ???; 
// I want the segment length to be 20 and starting e.g at position 50 
// within the gigantic list

我在想一个像this SO question获胜者答案的技巧。



这是您的第一个问题。我不确定CLR supports any single object larger than 2 GB

Crucial Edit-gcAllowVeryLargeObjects在64位系统上进行了更改-在推出自己的解决方案之前尝试一下。

第三,我假设您问题中的PointF[] giganticList = new PointF[100];应该更像PointF[] giganticList = new PointF[1000000];


编辑也许最重要的是,您现在正在进入一个权衡之地。如果执行此操作,则可能会在循环开始时就失去诸如jitter optimising for循环by doing数组bound checks之类的优点(for (int i= 0; i < myArray.Length; i++) 得到优化,而int length = 5; for (int i= 0; i < length; i++)没有)。如果您具有较高的计算资源代码,则可能会伤害您。您还必须更加努力地处理彼此并行的不同子数组。创建子数组,子数组的一部分甚至其中的项目的副本仍将分配更多的内存,这些内存将由GC分配。




public class ArrayCollection {
  List<int> startIndexes = new List<int>();
  List<int> lengths = new List<int>();
  const int 1beeellion = 100;
  PointF[] giganticList = new PointF[1beeellion];    
  public ArraySegment<PointF> this[int childIndex] {
    get {
    // Care with this method, ArraySegment exposes the original array, which callers could then
    //  do bad things to
    return new ArraySegment<String>(giganticList, startIndexes[childIndex], length[childIndex]);

  // returns the index of the child array
  public int AddChild(int length) {

    // TODO: needs to take account of lists with no entries yet
    int startIndex = startIndexes.Last() + lengths.Last(); 

    // TODO: check that startIndex + length is not more than giganticIndex
    //   If it is then 
    //     find the smallest unused block which is larger than the length requested
    //     or defrag our unused array sections
    //   otherwise throw out of memory

    startIndexes.Add(startIndex); // will need inserts for defrag operations
    lengths.Add(length); // will need inserts for defrag operations
    return startIndexes.Count - 1; // inserts will need to return inserted index
  public ArraySegment<PointF> GetChildAsSegment(int childIndex) {
    // Care with this method, ArraySegment exposes the original array, which callers could then
    //  do bad things to
    return new ArraySegment<String>(giganticList, startIndexes[childIndex], length[childIndex]);
  public void SetChildValue(int childIndex, int elementIndex, PointF value) {
    // TODO: needs to take account of lists with no entries yet, or invalid childIndex
    // TODO: check and PREVENT buffer overflow (see warning) here and in other methods
    //    e.g. 
    if (elementIndex >= lengths[childIndex]) throw new YouAreAnEvilCallerException();
    int falseZeroIndex = startIndexes[childIndex];
    giganticList[falseZeroIndex + elementIndex];
  public PointF GetChildValue(int childIndex, int elementIndex) {
    // TODO: needs to take account of lists with no entries yet, bad child index, element index
    int falseZeroIndex = startIndexes[childIndex];
    return giganticList[falseZeroIndex + elementIndex];
  public void RemoveChildArray(int childIndex) {

    // TODO: possibly record the unused segment in another pair of start, length lists
    // to allow for defraging in AddChildArray

警告例如,如果您没有在诸如childIndex之类的方法中针对子数组针对length检查针对SetChildValue的请求的unsafe,上述代码将有效地引入buffer overflow漏洞。在生产中尝试执行此操作之前必须先understand this and prevent it,尤其是将这些方法与public PointF this[int index]结合使用时。

现在,它可以扩展为返回用于子数组的伪索引throw OutOfMemory方法,用于子数组的枚举器等,但是正如我所说的,这变得越来越复杂,您需要确定它是否真的可以解决您的问题。您的大部分时间都将花费在重用(第一)碎片整理(第二)扩展(第三)unsafe(最后)逻辑上。





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Warning - pdf: Implicit Array Bounds Checking on 64-bit Architectures


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