c# - 接口(interface)在类之间通信

标签 c# oop interface

接口(interface)是两个类之间通信的说法对吗?就像它可以将信息从 B 类发送到 C 类?这两个类都继承了相同的接口(interface)。


let’s take your “hand” as an example. The “hand” is a class. Your body has two objects of the type "hand", named "left hand" and "right hand". Their main functions are controlled or managed by a set of electrical signals sent through your shoulders (through an interface). So the shoulder is an interface that your body uses to interact with your hands. The hand is a well-architected class. The hand is being reused to create the left hand and the right hand by slightly changing the properties of it.


Interface creates communication between two classes, for example Interface Iabc inherited in ClassA and ClassB then it can send information of ClassA to ClassB.

public interface  Interface1
    void  Method1(string msg);
     void Method2(string msg1 ,string msg2);
 public static class  HelperClass
     public static void Method1(Interface1 obj ,string msg)

     public static void Method2(Interface1 obj,string msg1, string msg2)
  static void Main(string[] args)
        var Car = new Vehcile();
        var HS = new Person();
        Car.per= "Car Clss";
        HS.per = "HS Clss";
        HelperClass.Method1(Car, Car.per);
        HelperClass.Method1(HS, HS.per);
        HelperClass.Method2(Car, Car.per, HS.per);
        HelperClass.Method2(HS, HS.per, Car.per);

     public class Person : Interface1

    public String per;

     void Interface1.Method1(string msg)

    void Interface1.Method2(string msg1, string msg2)
        Console.WriteLine("Person Class" + msg1 + " " + msg2);

 class Vehcile : Interface1
    public String per;

     void Interface1.Method1(string msg)

    void Interface1.Method2(string msg1, string msg2)
        Console.WriteLine("Vehcile Class" + msg1 + " " + msg2);


Is it right to say that interface communicates between two classes?



public interface IHand
    void Shake(IHand otherHand);

public class Hand : IHand
    public void Shake(IHand otherHand)
        Console.WriteLine("Shook the other hand");

IHand 是一个接口(interface),它声明了一个名为Shake 的方法,该方法接收另一个IHand 对象。任何实现我们接口(interface)的类都必须提供一个名为 Shake 的方法,该方法可以执行某些操作。

在这个特定的例子中,我们的 Hand 类在每次握手时都会写到控制台。

通过接口(interface),我们可以创建抽象。这意味着,我们可以依赖于仅契约(Contract),而不是依赖于具体类(例如Hand)。这意味着,任何实现 IHand 的对象对我们来说都没有问题,因为它保证他会有一个我们可以调用的 Shake 方法。 Shake 方法内部发生的事情超出了我们的范围,我们通常并不关心。

关于c# - 接口(interface)在类之间通信,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29878281/


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