c# - 如何将 Autofac 容器用作抽象工厂?

标签 c# autofac

我想修改我当前的 LetterFactory 实现,并通过调用容器来删除对 Activator.CreateInstance 的调用,以解析使用构造函数注入(inject)完全初始化的当前 Letter。我已阅读文档 herehere ,甚至 this所以在写这篇文章时发布,但似乎没有点击。


1) IDocumentServicesCore 是一个聚合。

2) 所有字母都用 LetterTypeAttribute 装饰(有数百个)


public class LetterFactory : ILetterFactory
    private readonly IDocumentServicesCore _documentServicesCore;

    public LetterFactory(IDocumentServicesCore documentServicesCore)
        _documentServicesCore = documentServicesCore;

    public LetterBase Create(int letterId)
        if (letterId <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(letterId));

        List<Type> types = typeof(LetterBase).Assembly.GetTypes()
            .Where(t => !t.IsAbstract && t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(LetterBase)))

        LetterBase letter = null;
        foreach(Type type in types)
            LetterTypeAttribute attribute = type.GetCustomAttributes<LetterTypeAttribute>().First();

            if (!attribute.LetterId.Contains(letterId))

            letter = Activator.CreateInstance(type, _documentServicesCore) as LetterBase;

        if (letter != null)
            return letter;

        string message = $"Could not find a LetterBase to create for id {letterId}.";
        throw new NotSupportedException(message);


问题似乎始于字母本身未注册这一事实,我如何获取从程序集中收集字母的 LINQ 代码并注册这些字母?

谢谢, 斯蒂芬


您正在寻找IIndex<TKey, TValue>这是一种字典,它可以这样组成IIndex<Int32, Func<LetterBase>>是你想要的类型。


public class LetterFactory : ILetterFactory
    private readonly IIndex<Int32, Func<LetterBase>> _lettersFactory; 
    public LetterFactory(IIndex<Int32, Func<LetterBase>> lettersFactory)
        _lettersFactory = lettersFactory;

    public LetterBase Create(int letterId)
        if (letterId <= 0)
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(letterId));

        Func<LetterBase> letterFactory = null; 
        if(!this._lettersFactory.tryGetValue(letterId, out letterFactory))
            string message = $"Could not find a LetterBase to create for id {letterId}.";
            throw new NotSupportedException(message);        

        Letter letter = letterFactory(); 
        return letter; 


List<Type> letterTypes = typeof(LetterBase).Assembly.GetTypes()
    .Where(t => !t.IsAbstract && t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(LetterBase)))

foreach(Type letterType in letterTypes)
    LetterTypeAttribute attribute = type.GetCustomAttributes<LetterTypeAttribute>()



顺便说一句,请注意 IIS 托管应用程序中的程序集扫描限制:http://autofaccn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/register/scanning.html#iis-hosted-web-applications

也可以直接依赖IIndex<Int32, LetterBase>而不是 IIndex<Int32, Func<LetterBase>>这取决于您的范围策略。

关于c# - 如何将 Autofac 容器用作抽象工厂?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50329867/


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