c# - 将通用字典作为参数传递给需要 IDictionary 的方法是否可以

标签 c# generics collections

AssemblyInstaller.Install 需要一个 System.Collections.IDictionary。

我对使用 Hashtable 等非通用集合“过敏”是否正确,还是我应该克服自己?!


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration.Install;
using System.Reflection;
using AssemblyWithInstaller;

namespace InstallerDemo
    class InstallerDemo
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var savedState = new Dictionary<object, object>();
            // i.e. as opposed to something that implements IDictionary:
            //var savedState = new System.Collections.Hashtable()
            var assembly = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof (MyInstaller));
            var ai = new AssemblyInstaller(assembly, new[] {"/LogFile=install.log"});

此外,编译器对这个 decalration 没有问题:

var savedState = new Dictionary<string, object>();


更新 [Reflector to rescue]

var savedState = new Dictionary<string, object>();

确认 Jon 所说的,Dictionary 实现 IDictionary 如下:

void IDictionary.Add(object key, object value)
    Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.VerifyKey(key);
    Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.VerifyValueType(value);
    this.Add((TKey) key, (TValue) value);


private static void VerifyKey(object key)
    if (key == null)
    if (!(key is TKey))
        ThrowHelper.ThrowWrongKeyTypeArgumentException(key, typeof(TKey));


由于安装程序正在接受一个 IDictionary 对象,它应该能够处理传递给他的任何 字典。至少这是我的观点……如果我采用接口(interface),我需要能够处理它的任何实现。


关于c# - 将通用字典作为参数传递给需要 IDictionary 的方法是否可以,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1642497/


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