c# - 使用日期过滤数据 GridView

标签 c# winforms datagridview datetimepicker

我正在尝试通过 2 个日期时间选择器 - startDate 和 endDate 过滤 datagridview 中的截止日期列。

datagridview是TaskTable2, datetimepicker1 是 startSchedule, datetimepicker2 是 endSchedule 和 datagridview 中的 deadline 是 deadlineRow


private void scheduleButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        DateTime startSchedule = startDate.Value.Date;
        DateTime endSchedule = endDate.Value.Date;

        if (startSchedule <= endSchedule)// runs foreach loop if startdate and enddate are valid
            foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in TaskTable2.Rows)// loops through rows of datagridview
                string deadline = dr.Cells["Deadline"].Value.ToString(); // gets deadline values
                DateTime deadlineRow = Convert.ToDateTime(deadline); // converts deadline string to datetime and stores in deadlineRow variable

                if (startSchedule <= deadlineRow && deadlineRow <= endSchedule) // filters deadlines that are => startDate and <= endDate
                    dr.Visible = true; // display filtered rows here.
                    dr.Visible = false; // hide rows that are not beteen start and end date.

            MessageBox.Show("Please ensure Start Date is set before End Date."); // ensures user selects an end date after the start date.


  1. 当我选择一个不显示任何任务的日期范围时,应用程序崩溃并且出现以下错误:


  1. 我有一个打印按钮,用于打印过滤后的结果。 但是,它正在打印存储在 datagridview 中的所有数据,即使某些行在按下计划按钮后可见=false,所以我猜我需要使用不同的方法来删除行而不是隐藏它们。

datagridview 绑定(bind)到 XML 文件,因此只要数据保留在 XML 文件中,就可以从 datagridview 中删除数据以进行过滤和打印。




我会为 datagridview 使用 bindingsource 上的 Filter 属性。 Filter 属性允许您查看 DataSource 的子集。

示例来自 MSDN :

private void PopulateDataViewAndFilter()
    DataSet set1 = new DataSet();

    // Some xml data to populate the DataSet with.
    string musicXml =
        "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" +
        "<music>" +
        "<recording><artist>Coldplay</artist><cd>X&amp;Y</cd></recording>" +
        "<recording><artist>Dave Matthews</artist><cd>Under the Table and Dreaming</cd></recording>" +
        "<recording><artist>Dave Matthews</artist><cd>Live at Red Rocks</cd></recording>" +
        "<recording><artist>Natalie Merchant</artist><cd>Tigerlily</cd></recording>" +
        "<recording><artist>U2</artist><cd>How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb</cd></recording>" +

    // Read the xml.
    StringReader reader = new StringReader(musicXml);

    // Get a DataView of the table contained in the dataset.
    DataTableCollection tables = set1.Tables;
    DataView view1 = new DataView(tables[0]);

    // Create a DataGridView control and add it to the form.
    DataGridView datagridview1 = new DataGridView();
    datagridview1.AutoGenerateColumns = true;

    // Create a BindingSource and set its DataSource property to
    // the DataView.
    BindingSource source1 = new BindingSource();
    source1.DataSource = view1;

    // Set the data source for the DataGridView.
    datagridview1.DataSource = source1;

    //The Filter string can include Boolean expressions.
    source1.Filter = "artist = 'Dave Matthews' OR cd = 'Tigerlily'";

我使用这种类型的Filter 来显示基于帐户的数据。对于一个帐户,当用户输入帐号时我有一个文本框,我使用 TextChanged 事件来应用过滤器。然后我有一个按钮,用于从绑定(bind)源中删除过滤器。

如果您想按日期过滤,您可以按照此 SO 问题中的说明进行操作:

BindingSource Filter by date


关于c# - 使用日期过滤数据 GridView ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9684897/


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