c# - 用 lambda 表达式替换字符串作为属性名称

标签 c# generics reflection types


    public static bool HasPropertyAttribute<T>(this object instance, string propertyName)
        return Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(instance.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName), typeof(T), true).Any();

现在我正在研究允许我传递 lambda 表达式而不是字符串作为 propertyName 的解决方案。有没有一种优雅的方法可以在不添加此方法的情况下成为依赖于两个泛型类型的方法,又名:

HasPropertyAttribute<T, TProperty>(...).


您可以使用 Lambda 表达式来解析编译时属性引用。 (代码修改自 Retrieving Property name from lambda expression )

public PropertyInfo GetPropertyInfo<TProperty>(
    Expression<Func<TProperty>> propertyLambda)
    MemberExpression member = propertyLambda.Body as MemberExpression;
    if (member == null)
        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
            "Expression '{0}' refers to a method, not a property.",

    PropertyInfo propInfo = member.Member as PropertyInfo;
    if (propInfo == null)
        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
            "Expression '{0}' refers to a field, not a property.",

    return propInfo;


public class Test
    public string Prop { get; set; }

Test t = new Test();
PropertyInfo propInfo = GetPropertyInfo(() => t.Prop);
Console.WriteLine(propInfo.Name + " -> " + propInfo.PropertyType); //Prop -> System.String


public static class TypedReflection<TSource>
    public static PropertyInfo GetPropertyInfo<TProperty>(
        Expression<Func<TSource, TProperty>> propertyLambda)
        MemberExpression member = propertyLambda.Body as MemberExpression;
        if (member == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                "Expression '{0}' refers to a method, not a property.",

        PropertyInfo propInfo = member.Member as PropertyInfo;
        if (propInfo == null)
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(
                "Expression '{0}' refers to a field, not a property.",

        return propInfo;


PropertyInfo propInfo = TypedReflection<Test>.GetPropertyInfo(o => o.Prop);


编辑:它仍然有点依赖于两个泛型类型,但它通过类型推断被隐藏起来了。我更喜欢第二个例子;至少你需要指定声明类的类型(因为你想要类型安全),但你不需要对象实例。它还有一个好处(我怀疑您正在追求),如果您重命名该属性,它会传播到此代码以获取 PropertyInfo

关于c# - 用 lambda 表达式替换字符串作为属性名称,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13072337/


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