c# - Hangfire 后台作业保持排队

标签 c# asp.net-mvc-5 hangfire postal

我有一个 MVC 应用程序,我正在尝试使用 Hangfire 和 Postal 发送电子邮件。电子邮件必须在注册后发送。 注册工作正常,但我运行的作业仍在排队,我没有收到任何电子邮件。 所以在我的 MVC Controller 中,我有以下代码:

public async Task<ActionResult> Register(RegisterViewModel model)
    //register correctly the user

    //I send the email
    BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => 
        NotifyRegistration(user.Id, user.UserName, user.Email)   


[AutomaticRetry(Attempts = 5)]
public async Task NotifyRegistration(string userId, string username, string email)
    //I calculate callbackUrl

    var viewsPath = Path.GetFullPath(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(@"~/Views/Emails"));
    var engines = new ViewEngineCollection();
    engines.Add(new FileSystemRazorViewEngine(viewsPath));

    var emailService = new EmailService(engines);

    var emailToSend = new NewRegisteredUserEmail
        To = email, UserName = username, CallbackUrl = callbackUrl 


我无法调试 NotifyRegistration 方法。我不知道为什么。我使用的是 Postal,所以 EmailService 不是我的实现。这里我是如何配置 smtp 服务的:

    <smtp deliveryMethod="Network">
      <network host="smtp.live.com" port="25" enableSsl="true" userName="***" password="***"></network>

如果我运行 hangfire 仪表板,我会看到已排队的作业

enter image description here

但没有其他事情发生。 发送电子邮件时我错过了什么?


更新 在 startup.cs 中我写了这个:

var options = new SqlServerStorageOptions
    QueuePollInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)

     .UseSqlServerStorage("DbConnectionString", options)
     .UseFilter(new LogEmailFailureAttribute());


更新 2 我以这种方式转换了我的 NotifyRegistration:

[AutomaticRetry(Attempts = 5)]
public async Task NotifyRegistration(string userId, string username, string email, EmailService emailService)
    //I calculate callbackUrl

    var emailToSend = new NewRegisteredUserEmail
        To = email, UserName = username, CallbackUrl = callbackUrl 




  1. sql server 的版本不受支持。我使用的是 2005。支持的数据库是 2008R2 及更高版本:http://docs.hangfire.io/en/latest/configuration/using-sql-server.html

  2. NotifyRegistration 方法必须是静态的: https://discuss.hangfire.io/t/jobs-in-enqueue-state-most-never-run/2367/4


[AutomaticRetry(Attempts = 5)]
public static void NotifyRegistration(string userId, string username, string email, EmailService emailService)
    //I calculate callbackUrl

    var emailToSend = new NewRegisteredUserEmail
        To = email, UserName = username, CallbackUrl = callbackUrl 


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