C# 泛型类型 : Warning from outer type

标签 c# generics types generic-type-argument

我有一个名为 UserController 的 Controller ,其泛型类型为 T:

public class UserController<T> : Controller

然后,在这个类中,我有一个名为 Select() 的方法,具有通用类型:

public override T Select<T>(ushort id)
    // UserModel is just a Class where I is an integer typed property
    UserModel.I = 2;
    object result = UserModel.I;

    return (T)Convert.ChangeType(result, typeof(T));
    throw new NotImplementedException();


// This is so far working
UserController<int> us = new UserController<int>(0);
label1.Text = us.Select<string>(0);


Severity    Code    Description Project File    Line    Suppression State
Warning CS0693  Type parameter 'T' has the same name as the type 
parameter from outer type 'UserController<T>'


Type parameter 'T' has the same name as the type 
parameter from outer type 'UserController<T>'




public override T Select(ushort id) /* Uses T from class */

但是,从您的其他示例来看,您似乎想要使用不同的类型 - 因此为参数使用不同的名称:

public override TInner Select<TInner>(ushort id)
    // UserModel is just a Class where I is an integer typed property
    UserModel.I = 2;
    object result = UserModel.I;

    return (TInner)Convert.ChangeType(result, typeof(TInner));

    throw new NotImplementedException();

(一般来说,尝试选择比 T 甚至 TInner 更好的名称 - 正如您应该为其他参数选择好的名称一样,尝试传达 类型参数名称中类型的用途

关于C# 泛型类型 : Warning from outer type,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43135230/


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