c# - IBM Watson 对话服务错误 : cannot convert from 'method group' to 'conversation.onMessage'

标签 c# unity3d ibm-cloud chatbot watson-conversation

我正在尝试统一运行 IBM Watson 对话服务following here, code snippet

private Conversation m_Conversation = new Conversation();
    private string m_WrokspaceID = "xyz";
    private string m_input = "help";

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
        Debug.Log("user : " + m_input);
        m_Conversation.Message(OnMessage, m_WrokspaceID, m_input);

    void OnMessage(MessageResponse resp, string customData) {
        foreach (Intent mi in resp.intents)
            Debug.Log("intent : " + mi.intent + ", confidence :" + mi.confidence);

        Debug.Log("response :" + resp.output.text);


cannot convert from 'method group' to 'conversation.onMessage'

我做错了什么?我从 watson 官方 github repo 获得的代码片段。

作为建议的答案返回的对象: enter image description here



private void OnMessage(object resp, string customData)
    Dictionary<string, object> respDict = resp as Dictionary<string, object>;
    object intents;
    respDict.TryGetValue("intents", out intents);

    foreach(var intentObj in (intents as List<object>))
        Dictionary<string, object> intentDict = intentObj as Dictionary<string, object>;

        object intentString;
        intentDict.TryGetValue("intent", out intentString);

        object confidenceString;
        intentDict.TryGetValue("confidence", out confidenceString);

        Log.Debug("ExampleConversation", "intent: {0} | confidence {1}", intentString.ToString(), confidenceString.ToString());

关于c# - IBM Watson 对话服务错误 : cannot convert from 'method group' to 'conversation.onMessage' ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45953300/


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