ios - Xcode 4.3.1 : Unable to open documents of type iPad XIB

标签 ios xcode ipad interface-builder

我刚刚升级到 Xcode 4.3.1 和 SDK 5.1。我的项目使用 Storyboard,但只有一个 nib/xib 文件。升级后编译失败:

/* */
/Users/jhn/Udvikling/Projekter/rmtelemedicin/RMTeleMedicin/RMTeleMedicin/MenuViewController.xib: error: Interface Builder is unable to open documents of type iPad XIB.
    Recovery Suggestion: Ensure the plugin for the iPad XIB document type, from the corresponding SDK, is installed.




转到您的项目设置,并删除显示 Interface Builder 插件搜索路径或类似内容的行。

project.pbxproj 中的确切行是: IBC_PLUGIN_SEARCH_PATHS = "${PROJECT_DIR}/**";


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