ios - 在 iOS 9 AppDelegate 中未调用 supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow

标签 ios objective-c ios9

我正在使用 iOS 9 GM 测试我们的应用程序,但在我的 AppDelegate 中根本没有看到调用 supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow。


- (UIInterfaceOrientationMask) application:(UIApplication *)application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow *)window 

这在 iOS 7/8 中运行良好。有没有其他人看到这个或对可能发生的事情有任何想法?


您需要在“常规目标”设置中选中“需要全屏”框 - 然后它在这里起作用。

enter image description here

我猜背景是,Apple 希望我们提供所有方向,而且这些都适用于 iOS 9 分屏、滑过等。

请参阅他们的文档 here


Adopt Slide Over and Split View unless you have a specific reason not to. From a customer’s perspective, an iOS 9 app that doesn’t adopt Slide Over and Split View feels out of place.

Consider opting out only if your app falls into one of these narrow categories:

Camera-centric apps, where using the entire screen for preview and capturing a moment quickly is your primary feature Full-device apps, such as games that use iPad sensors as part of their core gameplay

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