c# - LINQ to JSON - 查询对象或数组

标签 c# linq json.net linq-to-json

我正在尝试获取 SEDOL 和 ADP 值的列表。下面是我的 json 文本:

    "DataFeed" : {
        "@FeedName" : "AdminData",
        "Issuer" : [{
                "id" : "1528",
                "name" : "ZYZ.A a Test Company",
                "clientCode" : "ZYZ.A",
                "securities" : {
                    "Security" : {
                        "id" : "1537",
                        "sedol" : "SEDOL111",
                        "coverage" : {
                            "Coverage" : [{
                                    "analyst" : {
                                        "@id" : "164",
                                        "@clientCode" : "SJ",
                                        "@firstName" : "Steve",
                                        "@lastName" : "Jobs",
                                        "@rank" : "1"
                                }, {
                                    "analyst" : {
                                        "@id" : "261",
                                        "@clientCode" : "BG",
                                        "@firstName" : "Bill",
                                        "@lastName" : "Gates",
                                        "@rank" : "2"
                        "customFields" : {
                            "customField" : [{
                                    "@name" : "ADP Security Code",
                                    "@type" : "Textbox",
                                    "values" : {
                                        "value" : "ADPSC1111"
                                }, {
                                    "@name" : "Top 10 - Select one or many",
                                    "@type" : "Dropdown, multiple choice",
                                    "values" : {
                                        "value" : ["Large Cap", "Cdn Small Cap", "Income"]
            }, {
                "id" : "1519",
                "name" : "ZVV Test",
                "clientCode" : "ZVV=US",
                "securities" : {
                    "Security" : [{
                            "id" : "1522",
                            "sedol" : "SEDOL112",
                            "coverage" : {
                                "Coverage" : {
                                    "analyst" : {
                                        "@id" : "79",
                                        "@clientCode" : "MJ",
                                        "@firstName" : "Michael",
                                        "@lastName" : "Jordan",
                                        "@rank" : "1"
                            "customFields" : {
                                "customField" : [{
                                        "@name" : "ADP Security Code",
                                        "@type" : "Textbox",
                                        "values" : {
                                            "value" : "ADPS1133"
                                    }, {
                                        "@name" : "Top 10 - Select one or many",
                                        "@type" : "Dropdown, multiple choice",
                                        "values" : {
                                            "value" : ["Large Cap", "Cdn Small Cap", "Income"]
                        }, {
                            "id" : "1542",
                            "sedol" : "SEDOL112",
                            "customFields" : {
                                "customField" : [{
                                        "@name" : "ADP Security Code",
                                        "@type" : "Textbox",
                                        "values" : {
                                            "value" : "ADPS1133"
                                    }, {
                                        "@name" : "Top 10 - Select one or many",
                                        "@type" : "Dropdown, multiple choice",
                                        "values" : {
                                            "value" : ["Large Cap", "Cdn Small Cap", "Income"]


var compInfo = feed["DataFeed"]["Issuer"]
.Select(p => new {  
    Id = p["id"],
    CompName = p["name"],
    SEDOL = p["securities"]["Security"].OfType<JArray>() ? 
        p["securities"]["Security"][0]["sedol"] : 
    ADP = p["securities"]["Security"].OfType<JArray>() ? 
        p["securities"]["Security"][0]["customFields"]["customField"][0]["values"]["value"] : 


Accessed JArray values with invalid key value: "sedol". Int32 array index expected

我想我真的很接近解决这个问题了。我应该怎么做才能修复代码?如果有其他方法可以获取 SEDOLADP 值,请告诉我?

[UPDATE1] 我已经开始使用动态 ExpandoObject。这是我到目前为止使用的代码:

dynamic obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ExpandoObject>(json, new ExpandoObjectConverter());
foreach (dynamic element in obj)

但我现在收到错误“ExpandoObject”不包含“DataFeed”的定义,并且找不到接受“ExpandoObject”类型的第一个参数的扩展方法“DataFeed”注意:我知道这个 json 文本格式不正确。一个实例有一个数组,另一个是一个对象。我希望代码足够敏捷以处理这两种情况。

[UPDATE2] 感谢@dbc 到目前为止帮助我编写代码。我已经更新了上面的 json 文本以紧密匹配我当前的环境。我现在可以获得 SEDOL 和 ADP 代码。但是,当我试图获得第一位分析师时,我的代码仅适用于对象并为作为数组一部分的分析师生成空值。这是我当前的代码:

var compInfo = from issuer in feed.SelectTokens("DataFeed.Issuer").SelectMany(i => i.ObjectsOrSelf())
           let security = issuer.SelectTokens("securities.Security").SelectMany(s => s.ObjectsOrSelf()).FirstOrDefault()
           where security != null
           select new
               Id = (string)issuer["id"], // Change to (string)issuer["id"] if id is not necessarily numeric.
               CompName = (string)issuer["name"],
               SEDOL = (string)security["sedol"],
               ADP = security["customFields"]
                .Where(o => (string)o["@name"] == "ADP Security Code")
                .Select(o => (string)o.SelectToken("values.value"))
              Analyst = security["coverage"]
                .Select(jo => (string)jo.SelectToken("Coverage.analyst.@lastName"))



如果您想要所有 SEDOL 和 ADP 值以及每个值的相关发行者 ID 和 CompName,您可以执行以下操作:

var compInfo = from issuer in feed.SelectTokens("DataFeed.Issuer").SelectMany(i => i.ObjectsOrSelf())
               from security in issuer.SelectTokens("securities.Security").SelectMany(s => s.ObjectsOrSelf())
               select new
                   Id = (long)issuer["id"], // Change to (string)issuer["id"] if id is not necessarily numeric.
                   CompName = (string)issuer["name"],
                   SEDOL = (string)security["sedol"],
                   ADP = security["customFields"]
                    .Where(o => (string)o["@name"] == "ADP Security Code")
                    .Select(o => (string)o.SelectToken("values.value"))


public static class JsonExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<JToken> DescendantsAndSelf(this JToken node)
        if (node == null)
            return Enumerable.Empty<JToken>();
        var container = node as JContainer;
        if (container != null)
            return container.DescendantsAndSelf();
            return new[] { node };

    public static IEnumerable<JObject> ObjectsOrSelf(this JToken root)
        if (root is JObject)
            yield return (JObject)root;
        else if (root is JContainer)
            foreach (var item in ((JContainer)root).Children())
                foreach (var child in item.ObjectsOrSelf())
                    yield return child;
            yield break;


Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(compInfo, Formatting.Indented));


    "Id": 1528,
    "CompName": "ZYZ.A a Test Company",
    "SEDOL": "SEDOL111",
    "ADP": "ADPSC1111"
    "Id": 1519,
    "CompName": "ZVV Test",
    "SEDOL": "SEDOL112",
    "ADP": "ADPS1133"
    "Id": 1519,
    "CompName": "ZVV Test",
    "SEDOL": "SEDOL112",
    "ADP": "ADPS1133"

但是,在您到目前为止编写的查询中,您似乎只是试图为每个发行人返回 第一个 SEDOL 和 ADP。如果这确实是您想要的,请执行以下操作:

var compInfo = from issuer in feed.SelectTokens("DataFeed.Issuer").SelectMany(i => i.ObjectsOrSelf())
               let security = issuer.SelectTokens("securities.Security").SelectMany(s => s.ObjectsOrSelf()).FirstOrDefault()
               where security != null
               select new
                   Id = (long)issuer["id"], // Change to (string)issuer["id"] if id is not necessarily numeric.
                   CompName = (string)issuer["name"],
                   SEDOL = (string)security["sedol"],
                   ADP = security["customFields"]
                    .Where(o => (string)o["@name"] == "ADP Security Code")
                    .Select(o => (string)o.SelectToken("values.value"))


    "Id": 1528,
    "CompName": "ZYZ.A a Test Company",
    "SEDOL": "SEDOL111",
    "ADP": "ADPSC1111"
    "Id": 1519,
    "CompName": "ZVV Test",
    "SEDOL": "SEDOL112",
    "ADP": "ADPS1133"

顺便说一句,由于您的 JSON 相当多态(属性有时是对象数组,有时只是对象),我认为反序列化到类层次结构或 ExpandoObject 不会更容易。


鉴于您更新的 JSON,您可以使用 SelectTokens()JSONPath recursive search operator ..查找第一个分析师的姓氏,其中递归搜索运算符处理分析师可能包含也可能不包含在数组中的事实:

var compInfo = from issuer in feed.SelectTokens("DataFeed.Issuer").SelectMany(i => i.ObjectsOrSelf())
               let security = issuer.SelectTokens("securities.Security").SelectMany(s => s.ObjectsOrSelf()).FirstOrDefault()
               where security != null
               select new
                   Id = (string)issuer["id"], // Change to (string)issuer["id"] if id is not necessarily numeric.
                   CompName = (string)issuer["name"],
                   SEDOL = (string)security["sedol"],
                   ADP = (string)security["customFields"]
                    .Where(o => (string)o["@name"] == "ADP Security Code")
                    .Select(o => o.SelectToken("values.value"))
                   Analyst = (string)security.SelectTokens("coverage.Coverage..analyst.@lastName").FirstOrDefault(),

关于c# - LINQ to JSON - 查询对象或数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36602474/


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