c# - 在 WHILE 循环中处理 C# 文件流输入导致执行时间错误

标签 c# .net filestream

我有一个 C# 控制台应用程序,我正在尝试创建它来处理给定目录中的所有文件并将输出写入另一个给定目录。我想一次处理 X 个字节的输入文件。

namespace FileConverter
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string srcFolder = args[0];  
            string destFolder = args[1];   
            string[] srcFiles = Directory.GetFiles(srcFolder);
            for (int s = 0; s < srcFiles.Length; s++)
                byte[] fileBuffer;
                int numBytesRead = 0;
                int readBuffer = 10000;
                FileStream srcStream = new FileStream(srcFiles[s], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                int fileLength = (int)srcStream.Length;

                string destFile = destFolder + "\\" + Path.GetFileName(srcFiles[s]) + "-processed";
                FileStream destStream = new FileStream(destFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);

                //Read and process the source file by some chunk of bytes at a time
                while (numBytesRead < fileLength)
                    fileBuffer = new byte[readBuffer];

                    //Read some bytes into the fileBuffer
                    //TODO: This doesn't work on subsequent blocks
                    int n = srcStream.Read(fileBuffer, numBytesRead, readBuffer);

                    //If we didn't read anything, there's no more to process
                    if (n == 0)

                    //Process the fileBuffer
                    for (int i = 0; i < fileBuffer.Length; i++)
                        //Process each byte in the array here
                    //Write data
                    destStream.Write(fileBuffer, numBytesRead, readBuffer);
                    numBytesRead += readBuffer;


//Read some bytes into the fileBuffer
//TODO: This doesn't work on subsequent blocks
int n = srcStream.Read(fileBuffer, numBytesRead, readBuffer);

我不想将整个文件加载到内存中,因为它的大小可能有好几千兆字节。我真的希望能够读取一定数量的字节,处理它们,将它们写入文件,然后读入下一个 X 字节并重复。



我正在使用的示例文件大约为 32k。



读取的第二个参数不是文件的偏移量——它是开始写入数据的缓冲区的偏移量。所以只传递 0。



static void ReadOrThrow(Stream source, byte[] buffer, int count) {
     int read, offset = 0;
     while(count > 0 && (read = source.Read(buffer, offset, count)) > 0) {
        offset += read;
        count -= read;
    if(count != 0) throw new EndOfStreamException();

请注意,Write 的工作方式类似,因此您需要传递 0 作为偏移量和 n 作为计数。

关于c# - 在 WHILE 循环中处理 C# 文件流输入导致执行时间错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9571002/


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