c# - 关于此代码的最佳实践和编码约定的一些希望简单的问题

标签 c# coding-style


    // (1) Is appending Base to the name of base classes useful?
    public abstract class RestCallBase : IRestCall
        // (2) Is there a good way to decide on the ordering/grouping of members?
        // I have seen code that uses #region for this, but I feel like it's not
        // pervasive.
        public string Url { get; set; }
        public string Method { get; set; }
        public string PostData { get; set; }
        public string ResponseText { get; set; }

        // (3) How do you feel about using the same name for type and identifier
        // in cases like this?  I go back and forth because on one hand it feels
        // cleaner than using underscore (_MyPrivateProperty) or
        // camel cased (myPrivateProperty).
        private HttpWebRequest HttpWebRequest { get; set; }

        // (4) Is it clear that the target of the lone verb comprising the method
        // name is the noun which is the name of the class?  To me, it is 
        // redundant to say 'PrepareForRestCall'.
        protected abstract void Prepare();

        public IRestCall Go()

            HttpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Url);

            // (5) Here a region is used in place of a comment, but I have not
            // seen any other code that uses regions this way.  My thinking is
            // that it brings the code one step closer to becoming a private
            // method but can stay like this until it actually needs to be called
            // from multiple points in the logic.
            #region Add post data to request if present.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PostData))
                // (6) I changed this from 'sw' to 'writer' after code review.
                // Would you have as well?
                using(StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()))
                    writer.Write(PostData); // (7) Would you use curly braces for a single statement?  I opt to save two lines so I can see more code on the screen.

            using (HttpWebResponse response = HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
                ResponseText = reader.ReadToEnd();

            return this;


(1) Is appending Base to the name of base classes useful?

这是个人喜好问题。我个人是受不了的。我讨厌看到像 RestCallBase instance = new SomeConcreteRestCall(); 这样的代码 instance 是一个 RestCall。期间。

(2) Is there a good way to decide on the ordering/grouping of members? I have seen code that uses #region for this, but I feel like it's not pervasive.

我喜欢看到相关的项目组合在一起。我讨厌 #region(它只是一种隐藏代码的方式,它增加了试图保持所有 #region 井井有条的维护成本)并且我认为它是一种代码味道。

(3) How do you feel about using the same name for type and identifier in cases like this?


I go back and forth because on one hand it feels cleaner than using underscore (_MyPrivateProperty) or camel cased (myPrivateProperty).

我不再喜欢前导下划线(我不得不承认我曾经喜欢)。现在我在成员前面加上 this;这对我来说更清楚了。

(4) Is it clear that the target of the lone verb comprising the method name is the noun which is the name of the class? To me, it is redundant to say PrepareForRestCall.

在这个问题上我可以选择任何一种方式,但可能会倾向于更短的 Prepare 但如果有人认为 PrepareForRestCall 更清楚或询问什么是 Prepare 准备,我可能会承认这一点。

(5) Here a region is used in place of a comment, but I have not seen any other code that uses regions this way.


(6) I changed this from sw to writer after code review. Would you have as well?


(7) Would you use curly braces for a single statement? I opt to save two lines so I can see more code on the screen.


关于c# - 关于此代码的最佳实践和编码约定的一些希望简单的问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3961016/


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