c# - 使用 xPath 遍历项目

标签 c# asp.net xpath

我正在尝试遍历 xml 文档,但我仍然在第二次迭代中获得第一个元素,不确定我遗漏了什么。谁能帮忙? Xpath 很新

string file = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/XML/Locations.xml");

    Dictionary<string, Location> locationCollection = new Dictionary<string, Location>();

        XPathDocument xDocument = new XPathDocument(file);
        XPathNavigator xPathNavigator = xDocument.CreateNavigator();

        foreach (XPathNavigator node in xPathNavigator.Select("//locations/*"))
            string value = node.SelectSingleNode("/locations/location/cell").Value;

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <street>3717 San Fernando Road</street>
    <generalManager>DJ Eldon</generalManager>
    <phone>(818) 552‐6246</phone>
    <tollFree>(888) 600‐6011</tollFree>
    <fax>(818) 552‐6248</fax>
    <cell>(347) 834‐2249</cell>
    <street>1301 S. Harlem Ave.</street>
    <generalManager>Dave Schnulle</generalManager>
    <phone>(708) 749‐1500</phone>
    <tollFree>(888) 966‐1500</tollFree>
    <fax>(818) 552‐6248</fax>
    <cell>(708) 749‐3800</cell>


通过使用前导斜杠返回到文档根目录,您实际上忽略了 node 的值。试试这个:

// This assumes that there are only location nodes under locations;
// You may want to use //locations/location instead
foreach (XPathNavigator node in xPathNavigator.Select("//locations/*"))
    string value = node.SelectSingleNode("cell").Value;
    // Use value

话虽如此,您是否有任何理由不在单个 XPath 查询中执行此操作?

// Name changed to avoid scrolling :)
foreach (XPathNavigator node in navigator.Select("//locations/location/cell"))
    string value = node.Value;
    // Use value

关于c# - 使用 xPath 遍历项目,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/945512/


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