c# - 如何判断变量是否在 Roslyn 的某个语法节点的范围内?

标签 c# .net roslyn

我是 Roslyn 的新手。我想知道是否有办法判断变量是否在语义模型中某个位置的范围内。为了介绍我正在做的事情的一些背景知识,我正在尝试转换 foreach block ,这些 block 迭代 Select 的结果,例如形式的

foreach (string str in new int[0].Select(i => i.ToString()))

foreach (int item in new int[0])
    string str = item.ToString();

这是我的代码修复提供程序的相关部分。目前,我正在将迭代变量硬编码为 item:

var ident = SyntaxFactory.Identifier("item");

然后,我检索选择器的 SimpleLambdaExpressionSyntaxBody,并且(在上述情况下)用 替换参数 i >item 获取 item.ToString():

var paramTokens = from token in selectorBody.DescendantTokens()
                  where token.Text == selectorParam.Identifier.Text
                  select token;
selectorBody = selectorBody.ReplaceTokens(paramTokens, (_, __) => ident);

我想知道是否有办法判断名为 item 的变量是否已经在 foreach block 位置的范围内,所以我的代码修复提供者不会生成冲突的变量声明。这是否有可能以某种方式使用语义模型/符号/等来实现? API?





    const string code = @"
    public class AClass{
        private int MyFld = 5;
        protected double MyProp{get;set;}
        public void AMethod(){
            string myVar = null;
            for (int myIterator=0; myIterator<10;myIterator++)
                foreach (string str in new int[0].Select(i => i.ToString())){ }
        public void AnotherMethod()
            string anotherVar = null;


void Main()
    var tree = CSharpSyntaxTree.ParseText(code);
    var root = tree.GetRoot();

    var startNode = root
        .OfType<SimpleLambdaExpressionSyntax>() // start at the Select() lambda

    FindSymbolDeclarationsInAncestors(startNode, "myVar").Dump(); // True
    FindSymbolDeclarationsInAncestors(startNode, "anotherVar").Dump(); // False

    CompilationLookUpSymbols(tree, startNode, "myVar").Dump(); // True
    CompilationLookUpSymbols(tree, startNode, "anotherVar").Dump(); // False

// You could manually traverse the ancestor nodes, and find the different DeclarationSyntax-es. 
// I may have missed some, like CatchDeclarationSyntax..
// Error-prone but more fun.
public bool FindSymbolDeclarationsInAncestors(CSharpSyntaxNode currentNode, string symbolToFind)
    return currentNode
        .Ancestors().SelectMany(a => a.ChildNodes()) // get direct siblings
        .SelectMany(node => // find different declarations
            (node as VariableDeclarationSyntax)?.Variables.Select(v => v.Identifier.ValueText)
            ?? (node as FieldDeclarationSyntax)?.Declaration?.Variables.Select(v => v.Identifier.ValueText)
            ?? (node as LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax)?.Declaration?.Variables.Select(v => v.Identifier.ValueText)
            ?? new[] {
                (node as PropertyDeclarationSyntax)?.Identifier.ValueText,
                (node as MethodDeclarationSyntax)?.Identifier.ValueText,
                (node as ClassDeclarationSyntax)?.Identifier.ValueText,
        .Any(member => string.Equals(member, symbolToFind));

// Or use the SemanticModel from the CSharpCompilation.
// Possibly slower? Also, not as much fun as manually traversing trees.
public bool CompilationLookUpSymbols(SyntaxTree tree, CSharpSyntaxNode currentNode, string symbolToFind)
    var compilation = CSharpCompilation.Create("dummy", new[] { tree });
    var model = compilation.GetSemanticModel(tree);
    return model.LookupSymbols(currentNode.SpanStart, name: symbolToFind).Any();

关于c# - 如何判断变量是否在 Roslyn 的某个语法节点的范围内?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42520733/


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