c# - 使用 Rx 执行延迟采样的最佳方法是什么?

标签 c# system.reactive reactive-programming

我正在开发一个 Xamarin 应用程序,我在其中扩展了 Connectivity使用 Rx 而不是事件的插件。

我的目标是在重新建立连接时引入轻微的延迟,以便网络适配器有时间连接到 Internet(UWP 的解决方法)。如果在此延迟内出现任何值,则只需要保留最后一个值,因为只有当前连接状态才重要。

这工作正常,但感觉有点 hacky:

internal static class ConnectivityExtensions
    public static IObservable<bool> ToObservable(this IConnectivity @this)
        var connectivity = Observable
            .FromEventPattern<ConnectivityChangedEventHandler, ConnectivityChangedEventArgs>(
                handler => @this.ConnectivityChanged += handler,
                handler => @this.ConnectivityChanged -= handler)
            .Select(args => args.EventArgs.IsConnected);

        var sampling = connectivity
            .Select(ts => new
                // If reconnection, delay subscriber notification for 250ms
                DelayUntil = ts.Value ? (DateTimeOffset?)ts.Timestamp.Add(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250)) : null
            .Scan((acc, current) => new
                // If current notification is during reconnection notification delay period, delay the current notification too
                DelayUntil = current.Timestamp < acc.DelayUntil ? acc.DelayUntil : current.DelayUntil
            // Perform reconnection delay
            .Delay(x => x.DelayUntil.HasValue
                ? Observable.Return(x.DelayUntil.Value).Delay(x.DelayUntil.Value)
                : Observable.Empty<DateTimeOffset>())
            // All delayed notifications are delayed until the same time, so we only need one notification to trigger sampling after delay
            .Select(_ => Unit.Default);

        return connectivity


通过这个示例,您有望看到我正在做的事情的好处。延迟会阻止订阅者在“连接”发生变化但尚未建立互联网连接 (UWP) 时处理数据。此外,这还可以保护订阅者免受任何快速“开/关”通知的影响。

                                                                                     // StartsWith: True
ConnectivityChanged(null, new ConnectivityChangedEventArgs { IsConnected = true });  // Delay 250ms
Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250));                                        // Sample: True, Ignored due to DistinctUntilChanged
ConnectivityChanged(null, new ConnectivityChangedEventArgs { IsConnected = false }); // Sample: False
ConnectivityChanged(null, new ConnectivityChangedEventArgs { IsConnected = true });  // Delay 250ms, Discarded due to Sample
ConnectivityChanged(null, new ConnectivityChangedEventArgs { IsConnected = false }); // Delayed by previous, Discarded due to Sample
ConnectivityChanged(null, new ConnectivityChangedEventArgs { IsConnected = true });  // Delayed by previous, Discarded due to Sample
ConnectivityChanged(null, new ConnectivityChangedEventArgs { IsConnected = false }); // Delayed by previous
Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250));                                        // Sample: False, Ignored due to DistinctUntilChanged
ConnectivityChanged(null, new ConnectivityChangedEventArgs { IsConnected = true });  // Delay 250ms, Discarded due to Sample
ConnectivityChanged(null, new ConnectivityChangedEventArgs { IsConnected = false }); // Delayed by previous
Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250));                                        // Sample: False, Ignored due to DistinctUntilChanged

// Final Output:
// True
// False




T (millis)           : 0----250--500--1000-1250-1500-1750-2000
Connectivity         : ---F-------T---F----T-------F--T-------
ScanValueDelayUntil  : ---null----800-null-1500----null2100---
Sampling             : -------------x-----------x-----------x-
ResultSampled        : T------------T-----------T-----------T-
ResultSampledDistinct: T--------------------------------------


关于c# - 使用 Rx 执行延迟采样的最佳方法是什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45420392/


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