c# - 如何要求套接字等待更多数据到来

标签 c# .net sockets r

我正在玩 RserveCLI项目,它是一个与统计环境 R 通信的 .net 客户端。基本思想是通过 TCP 协议(protocol)在此 .NET 客户端和 R session 之间发送数据/命令。

我和其他人发现的一个错误是大数据主干,比如超过 10k 字节,无法成功传输。我在以下代码片段中找到了 but:

        // send the commend to R, then R will do some computation and get the data ready to send back
        int toConsume = this.SubmitCommand(cmd, data); 
        var res = new List<object>();
        while (toConsume > 0)
            var dhbuf = new byte[4];
            if (this.socket.Receive(dhbuf) != 4)
                throw new WebException("Didn't receive a header.");

            byte typ = dhbuf[0];

            // ReSharper disable RedundantCast
            int dlength = dhbuf[1] + (((int)dhbuf[2]) << 8) + (((int)dhbuf[3]) << 16);

            // ReSharper restore RedundantCast
            var dvbuf = new byte[dlength];

            // BUG: I added this sleep line, without this line, bug occures

            // this line cannot receive the whole data at once
            var received = this.socket.Receive(dvbuf);
            // so the exception throws 
            if (received != dvbuf.Length)
                var tempR = this.socket.Receive(dvbuf);
                throw new WebException("Expected " + dvbuf.Length + " bytes of data, but received " + received + ".");

原因是.NET代码运行速度太快,R端无法快速发送数据。所以我插入的 Thread.Sleep(500) 之后的接收线没有得到所有的数据。如果我在那里等一段时间,它就可以获得所有数据。但我不知道要多久。




根据docs :

If you are using a connection-oriented Socket, the Receive method will read as much data as is available, up to the size of the buffer.

因此,您永远无法保证获得接收调用中要求的所有数据。您需要检查 Receive 实际返回了多少字节,然后对剩余字节发出另一个接收调用。继续该循环,直到获得所有要查找的字节。

关于c# - 如何要求套接字等待更多数据到来,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8081444/


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