c# - 使用 Wrapped<B> 类填充 Wrapped<A> 的集合,其中 B 实现 A

标签 c# oop generics inheritance


interface IReference<out T> where T : myAbstractBase {
    T Value { get; }
public class Reference<T> : IReference<T> where T : myAbstractBase
    private T _value = null;
    public T Value {  get { return _value; } }

在我的整个应用程序中,我想要收集这些 IReference<someClass>对象(其中 someClass 实现了 myAbstractBase )

private List<Reference<shapes>> shapeList = new Collection<Reference<shapes>>();

但我希望能够将各种不同的形状添加到这个集合中。 (特别是因为形状也是抽象的)。当然,这会产生一个错误:

shapeList.Add( new Reference<circle>(){ radius = 2; } );

The value "Reference[circle]" is not of type "Reference[shape]" and cannot be used in this generic collection.

有什么方法可以设计我的 Reference<T>这样的类只要A类型为 B , Reference<A>将被视为 Reference<B> 类型?

在我看来,人们在尝试使用 Nullable 列表时会遇到同样的问题。等

我已经尝试实现隐式运算符以在 Reference 和 T 之间进行转换,但我还没有想到它们有任何实际用途......

public class Reference<T> ... {

    public static implicit operator Reference<T>(T value)
        return new Reference<T> { _value = value, };
    public static implicit operator T(Reference<T> value)
        return value.Value;



你的问题是你不能链接用户定义的隐式转换。乍一看,您似乎应该可以从 Reference<Circle> 开始-> Reference<Shape>通过Reference<Circle> -> Circle -> Shape -> Reference<Shape> .但是,您将使用两个用户定义的隐式转换。首先你会从Reference<Circle> -> Circle通过operator T(Reference<T> value) .然后你会从 Shape -> Reference<Shape>通过operator Reference<T>(T value) .您可以通过扩展 List 创建 Add 方法的重载来解决此问题.这将使您可以自由地使用 Reference.Add 中显式地使用用户定义的转换运算符之一。 .现在,您不必链接用户定义的隐式转换运算符。


//You can get around your inability to chain user defined implicit casts
//by creating a ReferenceList<T> that extends List<IReference<T>>
//and overloads the List.Add method
public class ReferenceList<T> : List<IReference<T>> where T : MyAbstractBase
    //With this overload you can accept a T.  Then explicity cast to Reference<T>
    //by using operator Reference<T>(T value)
    public void Add(T item)
List<Reference<Shape>> shapeList = new List<Reference<Shape>>();
ReferenceList<Shape> shapeList2 = new ReferenceList<Shape>();
List<IReference<Shape>> shapeList3 = new List<IReference<Shape>>();

//Interesting cases that should work with the OP

//Works for obvious reasons
shapeList.Add(new Reference<Shape>());
//Works because you're using one user defined implicit cast 
//where the cast is operator Reference<T>(T value).
//Shape -> Reference<Shape>
shapeList.Add(new Shape());
//Works because you're using one non user defined implicit cast and one user defined 
//implicit cast where the user defined implicit cast is operator Reference<T>(T value)
//Circle -> Shape -> Wrapper<Shape>
shapeList.Add(new Circle());
//Does not work because you need to chain two user defined implicit casts
//where the implicit casts are operator T(Reference<T> value) and operator Reference<T>(T value)
//Reference<Circle> -> Circle -> Shape -> Reference<Shape>
//Theoretically this could work, but the C# specs state that chaining user defined
//implicit casts is not allowed in C# (See link below)
shapeList.Add(new Reference<Circle>());
//This case works for similiar reasons that shapeList.Add(new Circle()).  It uses
//only one user defined implicit cast because you're calling operator T(Reference<T> value)
shapeList.Add(new (Circle)Reference<Circle>());

//Interesting cases for ReferenceList

//Works because this calls List.Add which accepts a Reference<T>
shapeList2.Add(new Reference<Shape>());
//Works because this calls ReferenceList.Add wich accepts a T
shapeList2.Add(new Circle());
//Works because this calls ReferenceList.Add wich accepts a T.
//and Reference<Circle> can be implicitly cast to a Circle via
//operator T(Reference<T> value).
//Reference<Circle> -> Circle -> Shape -> Reference<Shape> where
//the last cast is done explicitely in the ReferenceList.Add method
//via operator Reference<T>(T value)
shapeList2.Add(new Reference<Circle>());

//Interesting cases for List<IReference<Shape>>

//Works for obvious reasons
shapeList3.Add(new Reference<Shape>());
//Works because IReference is covariant.  In C# interfaces can be
//covariant.  Classes cannot be covariant.
shapeList3.Add(new Reference<Circle>());
//Does not work because C# does not support user defined implicit
//casts to interface.  In other words, you implicitly cast Shape -> Reference<Shape>
shapeList3.Add(new Shape());
//Doesn't work for similiar reasons to why shapeList3.Add(new Shape()) doesn't work
shapeList3.Add(new Circle());

关于c# - 使用 Wrapped<B> 类填充 Wrapped<A> 的集合,其中 B 实现 A,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16802934/


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