c# - wiimote中加速度计的刷新率是多少?

标签 c# visual-studio wii wiimote

有谁知道wiimote中加速度计的刷新率是多少?有没有办法使用 Visual C# 找出答案?


根据 this page 每 5.02 毫秒(~200Hz) (其中包含大量重要信息,主要是指向其他文章的链接)。

Data from with tk.wii object is 8-bit data reported every 5.02 milliseconds on average (with a 4.90 median and 5.86 in one test). The data is represented as a 0.0-1.0 value the tilt of the controller occupying 21% of that range – tilt values for the X-and Y-axis range from 0.396 to 0.608 with sharp accelerations using the entire range.


关于c# - wiimote中加速度计的刷新率是多少?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3093564/


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