c# - 如何为 tts 创建自定义 sapi 语音

标签 c# .net text-to-speech sapi

我正在做一个项目,我需要为我的应用程序创建一个自定义语音引擎。我见过类似 TTS Builder 的东西,但是有人了解 TTS Builder 等应用程序本身是如何开发的吗? SAPI 引擎背后的东西是什么?它们是如何工作的?一个人如何构建他/她自己的?我可以开发自己的算法吗?如果可能,我更愿意在 C# 中执行此操作


据我所知,TTS Builder 似乎采用了现有的声音,并允许您调整次要参数以产生听起来略有不同的声音。但我认为用不同的口音或发音创造声音更复杂。

来自 AT&T Research :

Creating high-quality voices requires a good voice talent, a sound-proof room, professional audio equipment, hours of written material with thorough coverage of phoneme combinations in the language, and the time and expertise to turn those recordings into a decent synthetic voice. Because of the expense involved, custom voice builds are usually done for corporations that want to computerize an existing actor's voice, for example to continue a brand image.
It may take far less material to build a tranformation model than it does to build a TTS voice from scratch.

关于c# - 如何为 tts 创建自定义 sapi 语音,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5761333/


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