c# - 使用 C#,如何将二进制数据的字节数组转换为对数据建模的自定义类型对象?

标签 c# .net serialization reflection binary

场景:我通过 HTTP 接收到原始二进制数据并将数据存储到一个字节数组中。我有描述二进制数据可以表示的各种字段的文档,但数据的实际含义必须在运行时确定。例如,如果表示错误发生的字节=1,则下一个字节的含义发生变化。

将 C# 与 .NET 4 结合使用,我想创建一个或多个类来反射(reflect)文档中描述的字段,然后使用二进制数据的字节数组以某种方式初始化这些类。我希望解决方案能够最大程度地减少代码重复,并且模块化且优雅。





public class PriceHistoryResponse : BinaryResponse
    public List<Quote> quotes { get; set; }
    private CountData countData { get; set; }
    private EndingDelimiterSection endingDelimiterSection { get; set; }

    /* This code performs the logic needed to check for optional fields
    and to find the number of times that certain fields are repeated */
    public PriceHistoryResponse(byte[] responseBytes) : base(responseBytes)
        countData = new CountData();

        quotes = new List<Quote>();
        for (int i = 0; i < countData.quoteCount; i++)
            quotes.Add(new Quote());

            quotes[i].symbolData = new SymbolData();

            if (quotes[i].symbolData.errorCode == 1)
                quotes[i].errorData = new ErrorData();

            quotes[i].chartBarData = new ChartBarData();

            quotes[i].chartBars = new List<ChartBar>();
            for (int j = 0; j < quotes[i].chartBarData.chartBarCount; j++)
                quotes[i].chartBars.Add(new ChartBar());

        endingDelimiterSection = new EndingDelimiterSection();

class CountData : IResponseSection
    public int quoteCount { get; set; }

public class Quote
    public SymbolData symbolData { get; set; }
    public ErrorData errorData { get; set; }
    public ChartBarData chartBarData { get; set; }
    public List<ChartBar> chartBars { get; set; }

public class SymbolData : IResponseSection
   public string symbol { get; set; }
   public byte errorCode { get; set; }

public class ErrorData : IResponseSection
    public string errorText { get; set; }

public class ChartBarData : IResponseSection
    public int chartBarCount { get; set; }

public class ChartBar : IResponseSection
    public float close { get; set; }
    public float high { get; set; }
    public float low { get; set; }
    public float open { get; set; }
    public float volume { get; set; }
    public long timestamp { get; set; }


我将您的代码粘贴到 VS 中,点击了几次“生成方法 stub ”并将其移动了一些。我想这可以解决问题。


 public class BinaryResponse {

        private BinaryReader _rdr;
        public BinaryResponse(byte[] responseBytes) {
            _rdr = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(responseBytes)); // wrap the byte[] in a BinaryReader to be able to pop the bytes off the top

        protected void ParseResponseSection(CountData countData) {
            countData.quoteCount = _rdr.ReadInt16(); // guessing 64.000 quotes should be enough in one response, the documentation will have the type      

        protected void ParseResponseSection(SymbolData symbolData) {
            symbolData.errorCode = _rdr.ReadByte(); // depending on your format, where is the ErrorCOde in the byte[]? the symbol might be first

            int symbolLength = _rdr.ReadInt16(); // if it's not written by a .Net WriteString on the other end better to read this count yourelf
            symbolData.symbol = new string(_rdr.ReadChars(symbolLength)); // read the chars and put into string

        protected void ParseResponseSection(ErrorData errorData) {
            int errorLenth = _rdr.ReadInt16();
            errorData.errorText = new string(_rdr.ReadChars(errorLenth));

        protected void ParseResponseSection(ChartBarData chartBarData) {
            chartBarData.chartBarCount = _rdr.ReadInt16();

        protected void ParseResponseSection(ChartBar chartBar) {
            // check the order with the documentation, also maybe some casting is needed because other types are in the byte[]
            chartBar.close = _rdr.ReadSingle();
            chartBar.high = _rdr.ReadSingle();
            chartBar.low = _rdr.ReadSingle();
            chartBar.open = _rdr.ReadSingle();
            chartBar.timestamp = _rdr.ReadInt64();

        protected void ParseResponseSection(EndingDelimiterSection endingDelimiterSection) {
            int checkValue = _rdr.ReadInt16();
            if (checkValue != 12345) throw new InvalidDataException("Corrupt Response! Expecting End Delimiter"); // assert that the end delimiter is some value


问候 Gert-Jan

关于c# - 使用 C#,如何将二进制数据的字节数组转换为对数据建模的自定义类型对象?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7257838/


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