c# - 如何多次运行小 cucumber 场景

标签 c# specflow gherkin

我编写了这个 gherkin 功能,它运行良好。但是我的公司要求我能够在测试期间多次运行它。我们有一个控制服务器端的应用程序客户端,以模拟使用该软件的真人。 所以我的客户端被实例化一次并且必须运行 3 次这个场景。


Feature: Test program startup time

  Given my program is activated with a licence

Scenario: Startup
  Given I want to use a clean installation
  Given the user preferences file is user_startup_performances.config
  Given the CurrentPath directory is empty
  Given I want to monitor startup performances
  Then I want to log those data






Given I set something up
And I setup something else
When I run the program
Then my startup time should be less than 1 second

但是,我确实理解您希望以一种简单一致的方式来运行此测试,虽然我认为 SpecFlow 可能不是实现您想要的目标的最佳方式,但您可能需要考虑您的测试粒度。例如,您可以将场景重写为

Given I ...
When I run the program
Then my startup time should be less than 1 second
When I run the program
Then my startup time should be less than 1 second
When I run the program
Then my startup time should be less than 1 second



Given I ...
When I run the program 3 times
Then my startup time should be less than 1 second

然后在你的 C# 中

[When("I run the program (\d+) times")]
public void WhenIRunTheProgramManyTimes(int count)
    for(int i=0; i++; i<count)

[When("I run the program")]
public void WhenIRunTheProgram()

另请查看 Dan North 的 Whose Domain is it anyway? ,它可能会帮助您构建 future 的场景。 :-)

关于c# - 如何多次运行小 cucumber 场景,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17325243/


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