java - 如何获取倾城报告中的Cucumber步骤和附件?

标签 java cucumber cucumber-jvm allure cucumber-junit

我能够在基于 java-cucumber-Junit 的项目中生成 Allure 报告。但是,我无法在执行部分获得 cucumber 步骤。此外,附件没有附加到报告中。 我能够根据 Allure 网站上给出的步骤生成 Allure 报告。但是,我无法在报告的执行部分看到步骤(Given,when then)。此外,附件也不会在报告中生成。


    @CucumberOptions(features = { "src/test/java/features" }, 
    plugin = { "pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-reports",
            "json:target/cucumber-html-reports/cucumber.json","rerun:target/failed_scenarios.txt" }, monochrome = true, glue = { "definitions" }, tags = {"@SmokeTest"}

POM 片段

            <!-- <downloadSources>true</downloadSources> <downloadJavadocs>true</downloadJavadocs> -->





                        <argLine>-javaagent:"${settings.localRepository}/org/aspectj/aspectjweaver/${aspectj.version}/aspectjweaver-${aspectj.version}.jar" -Dcucumber.options="--plugin io.qameta.allure.cucumber4jvm.AllureCucumber4Jvm" -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m


            <!-- <dependency> <groupId>io.qameta.allure</groupId> 
                <version>${allureVersion}</version> </dependency> -->



示例 cucumber 场景


        Scenario: multiply a and b 
            Given I have variable a 
            And I have variable b 
            When I multiplication a and b 
            Then I display the Result


        @Given("^I have variable a$")
        public void i_have_variable_a() throws Exception {
            System.out.println("at step : I have variable a");


        @Given("^I have variable b$")
        public void i_have_variable_b() throws Exception {
            System.out.println("at step : I have variable b");


        @When("^I multiplication a and b$")
        public void i_multiplication_a_and_b() throws Exception {
            System.out.println("at step : multiplication");


        @Then("^I display the Result$")
        public void i_display_the_Result() throws Exception {
            System.out.println("at step : result display");



       @Attachment(fileExtension = "json", type = "text/json", value = "RestJsonResponse")
            public String attachResponse(Response strResponse) {
                return strResponse.asString();

预期:能够在报告的某处看到 Given when then 语句。此外,将报告中的附件视为 json 文件。

实际:报告生成但没有给出 when then 语句且没有附件。


首先,您将 allure JUnit 插件与 cucumber one 搞混了。因此,您需要从 surefire 配置中删除 Allure JUnit 监听器并将其从依赖项中删除。

下一个问题是在类配置中覆盖 allure cucumber 插件。您应该仅在 pom 或类中配置 cucumber 插件,因为类配置会覆盖 pom 配置。修复它的最简单方法 - 从 pom 中删除 --plugin 并将其添加到类配置到其他配置中,如下所示:

@CucumberOptions(features = { "src/test/java/features" }, 
plugin = { "pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-reports", "io.qameta.allure.cucumber4jvm.AllureCucumber4Jvm",
        "json:target/cucumber-html-reports/cucumber.json","rerun:target/failed_scenarios.txt" }, monochrome = true, glue = { "definitions" }, tags = {"@SmokeTest"}

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