java - SPOCK:如何模拟供应商行为

标签 java unit-testing java-8 mockito spock

CompletableFuture 中执行 supplier 时,我试图涵盖积极的消极情况。出于某种原因,模拟值未在 supplier 中传递。我的单元测试用例是使用 spock 框架编写的,由于我不太熟悉这个框架,所以我不确定我在模拟时弄错了,或者供应商模拟我遗漏了什么。


    .supplyAsync(() -> s3Service.upload(bucket, key, file), executor)
    .handle(((putObjectResult, throwable) -> {
        if (throwable != null) {
            CustomRuntimeException exception = (CustomRuntimeException) throwable;
        return putObjectResult;
    .thenAccept(putObjectResult -> {
        if (putObjectResult != null) {
             log.debug("Deleted file {}", file.getName());

Spock 测试代码:

private S3Service s3service = Mock()

def "failed to upload article into s3"() {
    given: "mock the s3 service to throw CustomRuntimeException"
    s3Service.upload(_, _, _) >> {

        CompletableFuture<PutObjectResult> exception = new CompletableFuture<>();
        exception.completeExceptionally(new CustomRuntimeException())
        exception.exceptionally(new Function<Throwable, PutObjectResult>() {
            PutObjectResult apply(Throwable throwable) {
                throw new CompletionException(throwable)


现在,当我调试单元测试用例时,.handle 中的 throwable 实例始终为 null。当我模拟 PutObjectResult



看来我对given 和when 的理解和Mockito 框架是不一样的。 我已将我的 s3Service.upload(_, _, _) 放在 then 部分,文本案例按预期工作。所以最终的代码是:

private S3Service s3service = Mock()

def "failed to upload article into s3"() {
    given: "mock the s3 service to throw CustomRuntimeException"
    // given conditions
    when: "check here the with the actual beans"
    // actual bean calls
    then: "mention your mocks and calls"
    1 * s3Service.upload(_, _, _) >> {

        CompletableFuture<PutObjectResult> exception = new CompletableFuture<>();
        exception.completeExceptionally(new CustomRuntimeException())
        exception.exceptionally(new Function<Throwable, PutObjectResult>() {
            PutObjectResult apply(Throwable throwable) {
                throw new CompletionException(throwable)


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