java - 在 Java 中使用 SAX 解析大型 XML

标签 java xml sax xml-parsing

我正在尝试解析堆栈溢出数据转储,其中一个表称为 posts.xml,其中包含大约 1000 万个条目。示例 xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <row Id="1" PostTypeId="1" AcceptedAnswerId="26" CreationDate="2010-07-07T19:06:25.043" Score="10" ViewCount="1192" Body="&lt;p&gt;Now that the Engineer update has come, there will be lots of Engineers building up everywhere.  How should this best be handled?&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;" OwnerUserId="11" LastEditorUserId="56" LastEditorDisplayName="" LastEditDate="2010-08-27T22:38:43.840" LastActivityDate="2010-08-27T22:38:43.840" Title="In Team Fortress 2, what is a good strategy to deal with lots of engineers turtling on the other team?" Tags="&lt;strategy&gt;&lt;team-fortress-2&gt;&lt;tactics&gt;" AnswerCount="5" CommentCount="7" />
  <row Id="2" PostTypeId="1" AcceptedAnswerId="184" CreationDate="2010-07-07T19:07:58.427" Score="5" ViewCount="469" Body="&lt;p&gt;I know I can create a Warp Gate and teleport to Pylons, but I have no idea how to make Warp Prisms or know if there's any other unit capable of transporting.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;I would in particular like this to built remote bases in 1v1&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;" OwnerUserId="10" LastEditorUserId="68" LastEditorDisplayName="" LastEditDate="2010-07-08T00:16:46.013" LastActivityDate="2010-07-08T00:21:13.163" Title="What protoss unit can transport others?" Tags="&lt;starcraft-2&gt;&lt;how-to&gt;&lt;protoss&gt;" AnswerCount="3" CommentCount="2" />
  <row Id="3" PostTypeId="1" AcceptedAnswerId="56" CreationDate="2010-07-07T19:09:46.317" Score="7" ViewCount="356" Body="&lt;p&gt;Steam won't let me have two instances running with the same user logged in.&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;Does that mean I cannot run a dedicated server on a PC (for example, for Left 4 Dead 2) &lt;em&gt;and&lt;/em&gt; play from another machine?&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;&#xA;&lt;p&gt;Is there a way to run the dedicated server without running steam? Is there a configuration option I'm missing?&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;" OwnerUserId="14" LastActivityDate="2010-07-07T19:27:04.777" Title="How can I run a dedicated server from steam?" Tags="&lt;steam&gt;&lt;left-4-dead-2&gt;&lt;dedicated-server&gt;&lt;account&gt;" AnswerCount="1" />
  <row Id="4" PostTypeId="1" AcceptedAnswerId="14" CreationDate="2010-07-07T19:11:05.640" Score="10" ViewCount="201" Body="&lt;p&gt;When I get to the insult sword-fighting stage of The Secret of Monkey Island, do I have to learn every single insult and comeback in order to beat the Sword Master?&lt;/p&gt;&#xA;" OwnerUserId="17" LastEditorUserId="17" LastEditorDisplayName="" LastEditDate="2010-07-08T21:25:04.787" LastActivityDate="2010-07-08T21:25:04.787" Title="Do I have to learn all of the insults and comebacks to be able to advance in The Secret of Monkey Island?" Tags="&lt;monkey-island&gt;&lt;adventure&gt;" AnswerCount="3" CommentCount="2" />

我想解析这个 xml,但只加载 xml 的某些属性,即 Id、PostTypeId、AcceptedAnswerId 和其他 2 个属性。 SAX 中有没有一种方法可以只加载这些属性?如果有那怎么办?我是 SAX 的新手,所以一些指导会有所帮助。


另一个问题是是否可以跳转到具有行 ID X 的特定行?如果可能,我该怎么做?


“StartElement”Sax 事件允许处理单个 XML 元素。


public void startElement(String uri, String localName,
    String qName, Attributes attributes)
    throws SAXException {

    if("row".equals(localName)) {
        //this code is executed for every xml element "row"
        String id = attributes.getValue("id");
        String PostTypeId = attributes.getValue("PostTypeId");
        String AcceptedAnswerId = attributes.getValue("AcceptedAnswerId");
        //others two
        // you have your att values for an "row" element



  1. 命名空间 URI
  2. XML QName
  3. XML 本地名称
  4. 属性映射,在这里您可以提取您的两个属性...

具体细节参见 ContentHandler 实现。



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