java - 使用 JToggleButton 在三种状态之间切换

标签 java eclipse togglebutton windowbuilder

如何实现三态切换按钮?我正在使用 eclipse 和 windowBuilder,并且正在编写一个必须具有 3 态按钮的程序。我使用了 JToggleButtons 和它们的两个状态,但不能实现第三个状态。我能做什么?



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它确实继承自 JToggleButton 并具有三种不同的图标状态。

 * Maintenance tip - There were some tricks to getting this code
 * working:
 * <p/>
 * 1. You have to overwite addMouseListener() to do nothing
 * 2. You have to add a mouse event on mousePressed by calling
 * super.addMouseListener()
 * 3. You have to replace the UIActionMap for the keyboard event
 * "pressed" with your own one.
 * 4. You have to remove the UIActionMap for the keyboard event
 * "released".
 * 5. You have to grab focus when the next state is entered,
 * otherwise clicking on the component won't get the focus.
 * 6. You have to make a TristateDecorator as a button model that
 * wraps the original button model and does state management.
 * @author Dr. Heinz M. Kabutz
public class TristateCheckBox extends JCheckBox {

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