ios - 如何在 UIWebView 中激活 contentEditable div 的拼写检查?

标签 ios uiwebview

UIWebView (iOS 5.0) 不显示红色波浪拼写更正下划线:

id html= @"<div spellcheck=\"true\" contenteditable=\"true\"></div>"
[webView loadHTMLString:html baseURL:nil];



Apple Safari Guidelines 提供了一些 HTML 标签属性

autocomplete: If off, deactivates automatic completion for an input element; If on, activates automatic completion for the element. Related Tags “input” Availability Available in Safari 1.0 and later. Available in iOS 1.1.1 and later.

autocorrect: If off, deactivates automatic correction for a form or input element; If on, activates automatic correction for the element. Availability Available in iOS 1.1.1 and later.


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