java - 在 WebLogic 上设置默认的 CookieManager 没有效果

标签 java spring soap weblogic spring-ws

我正在使用 Spring 的 WebServiceGatewaySupport 连接到供应商的 SOAP Web 服务。该服务的要求之一是客户端必须维护服务器发送的 session cookie。

我能够确定 WebServiceGatewaySupport 在内部使用 HttpURLConnection 类来发出请求。简单调用

CookieHandler.setDefault(new CookieManager());

在聚会开始之前添加一个默认的 cookie 管理器,一切都在我本地的 Tomcat 实例上运行得非常愉快(我什至注意到我的机器旁边出现了一个小彩虹)。

但是,当我部署到 WebLogic 时,Miley Cyrus 一切顺利。它不像以前那样摇晃,我的 cookies 被扔掉了。

通过覆盖 CookieManager 的 get 和 put 方法,我能够证明 WebLogic 是罪魁祸首。在 Tomcat 中有很多关于这些的操作。不是来自 WebLogic 的杂音。

    CookieHandler.setDefault(new CookieManager() {
        public Map<String, List<String>> get(URI uri, Map<String, List<String>> stringListMap) throws IOException {
            Map<String, List<String>> map =  super.get(uri, stringListMap);
  "Cop that: " + uri + " " + map);
            return map;

        public void put(URI uri, Map<String, List<String>> stringListMap) throws IOException {
  "Hello sailor: " + uri + " " + stringListMap);
            super.put(uri, stringListMap);

我只能假设有某种“高级安全恶作剧”旨在用于传入的 servlet 请求,但也应用于传出连接。我找不到任何有用的 weblogic 部署描述符选项。


我可能可以让它与 Axis 一起工作,但我宁愿用笔戳自己的脸。


更新:好的,我还没有解决根本原因,但这就是我让它工作的方式。我在想,如果我可以访问实际的 HttpURLConnection 对象,我可以对其进行手动 cookie 管理。我能够查看 Spring WS 源代码并设置一个新的 MessageSender,它的工作原理基本相同。

public class MyClient extends WebServiceGatewaySupport {
    public MyClient(WebServiceMessageFactory messageFactory) {

        super.getWebServiceTemplate().setMessageSender(new WebServiceMessageSender() {
            public WebServiceConnection createConnection(URI uri) throws IOException {
                URL url = uri.toURL();
                URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
                if (!(connection instanceof HttpURLConnection)) {
                    throw new HttpTransportException("URI [" + uri + "] is not an HTTP URL");
                HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection) connection;

                HttpURLConnectionProxy httpURLConnectionProxy = new HttpURLConnectionProxy(url);
                return new MyHttpUrlConnection(httpURLConnectionProxy);

            protected void prepareConnection(HttpURLConnection connection) throws IOException {
                // ORRRRR YEAAHHHHHHH!

            public boolean supports(URI uri) {
                return true;

另一个复杂问题是我需要在调用 connect() 之前和之后设置和获取 cookie 数据。所以我创建了一个 HttpURLConnectionProxy 类,它代理对 url.openConnection() 生成的方法调用的所有方法调用,但在 connect() 之后执行 cookie 内容;

public void connect() throws IOException {



我认为您在扭曲 CookieManager API 的预期用途。请引用documentationCookieManager documentation . 您的供应商的要求是维护服务器发送的 session cookie。要实现此要求,您需要两个步骤:

  1. 在 Spring 容器中,连接一个 Spring bean,它包含方法调用 CookieHandler.setDefault(new CookieManager());
  2. 在客户端代码中初始化一个 URI 实例,该实例将标识 CookieStore 中的 cookie


假设您使用的是 Spring 3.1 或更高版本,请在下面找到您的配置类:

@EnableWebMvc   // this annotation imports the class  WebMvcConfigurationSupport which bootstraps web mvc
@ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.orgname"  })
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {

public ViewResolver viewResolver() {

    InternalResourceViewResolver viewResolver = new InternalResourceViewResolver();
    return viewResolver;

public void addResourceHandlers(ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {

 * This method invocation bean stands for the method call:
 * CookieHandler.setDefault(new CookieManager());
 * which should be done at the beginning of an HTTP session to bootstrap
 * the Java 6 Http state management mechanism for the application as a whole. 
 * (
public MethodInvokingFactoryBean methodInvokingFactoryBean() { 
    MethodInvokingFactoryBean methodInvokingFactoryBean = new MethodInvokingFactoryBean();
    CookieManager cookieManager = new CookieManager();
    methodInvokingFactoryBean.setArguments(new Object[]{cookieManager}); 
    return methodInvokingFactoryBean; 


鉴于您的客户端类是 Spring 服务或组件。请在下面找到它的代码。

 * This service aggregates the default CookieManager as explained in the API 
 * ( 
 * A system-wide CookieManager that is used by the HTTP protocol handler 
 * can be retrieved by calling CookieHandler.getDefault(). 
 * A CookieManager is initialized with aآ CookieStoreآ which manages storage
 * A CookieStore supports add(cookie) and getCookie() methods
 * A CookieStore is responsible of removing Cookie instances which have expired.
@DependsOn(value="cookieHandlerSetDefault")    //This is the bean initialized in the Configuration class. It is needed to be initialized before the container initializes the Service 
public class ClientCookiesStore {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClientCookiesStore.class);

    protected CookieStore inmemoryCookieStore;

    protected URI clientURI;

 * The @PostConstruct (lifecycle callback method) indicates this method should be invoked after all 
 * dependency injection is complete. Thus helps in initializing any resources needed by the 
 * service.
 * In this particular initializing method:
 * (as per
 *  and
 * The CookieHandler default is installed in the application via 
 * a method invoking factory bean, namely "cookieHandlerSetDefault" which 
 * exists in the java configuration file

 * (1) A cookieManager property needs 2 steps setup as indicated in the code
 * (2) The internal in-memory implementation of the CookieStore interface is initialized 
 *      through the cookieManager defaults. It is assigned to the inmemoryCookieStore property.  
 * (3) Since a CookieStore aggregates many groups of cookies, each group is identified 
 *     by a URI instance. ClientCookiesStore is associated with the Client URI as indicated in 
 *     the code.  
 * @throws Exception
protected void initializeBean() throws Exception {
    //      (1) Step#1 Initialize a CookieManager with the current Http session default 
    //                  which was already set in the configuration class
    CookieManager cookieManager = (CookieManager)CookieHandler.getDefault();    
    //          Step#2 Then set up the CookiePolicy.
    //      (2) Assign a CookieStore instance to the in-memory cookie store implemented by the API
    inmemoryCookieStore =  cookieManager.getCookieStore();
    //      (3) Initialize URI instance which will identify the Client cookies in the CookieStore 

    try {
        clientURI = new URI("");
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new Exception("URISyntaxException created while creating a URI instance for url= "+clientUrl);

剩下的就是添加新 cookie 和从内存存储中检索 cookie 的 2 种方法。这两个方法都属于上面的 ClientCookiesStore 类。

public List<HttpCookie> getCookiesList() throws Exception {
    List<HttpCookie> httpCookiesList = inmemoryCookieStore.get(clientURI);
    return httpCookiesList;

public void addCookie(HttpCookie newCookie) {
        inmemoryCookieStore.add(clientURI, newCookie);

关于java - 在 WebLogic 上设置默认的 CookieManager 没有效果,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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