java - 根据切换状态禁用/启用工具栏菜单项

标签 java eclipse-plugin swt eclipse-rcp


我需要禁用第二个菜单,直到第一个菜单处于打开状态。为此,我尝试获取第一个菜单项的切换状态。但状态始终为 NULL。

ICommandService service = (ICommandService) PlatformUI.getWorkbench().
Command command = service.getCommand("com.commandID");
State state     = command.getState("org.eclipse.ui.commands.toggleState");



您是否为您的命令注册了 ToggleState?

Since it is possible to have multiple menu contributions for the same command, we have to keep track of the state in a central place. Imagine a toggle button triggerable from the main menu and a views toolbar. The state of these buttons are keept in sync by storing the state directly in the command. The key to this is the org.eclipse.jface.commands.ToggleState.

<command id="org.eclipse.example.command.toggle"
        name="Toggle Me">
  <state class="org.eclipse.jface.commands.ToggleState"
         id="org.eclipse.example.command.toggleState" />

请阅读this blog post了解更多详情。

关于java - 根据切换状态禁用/启用工具栏菜单项,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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