java - 将位图转换为 ASCII 艺术

标签 java algorithm image-processing bitmap ascii-art


我想将位图转换为 ASCII 艺术。谁能帮我看看我应该使用哪种算法?

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    @...:::*:,, : :WWWWWWW, ,  *::::..,#   
  :...::::::W:,   @W::::*W.   :W:::::...#  


将图像转换为 ASCII 艺术

  • 大小。假设一个字符的平均高度是其宽度的两倍,为了保持相同的比例,我们必须缩小原始图像。因此,使用等宽字体是有意义的。

  • 颜色。我们可以根据字符的密度将像素的亮度转换为字符。因此,转换高对比度的灰度或黑白图像更准确。


Coding Horror

缩放后的 ASCII 图片:

<表类="s-表"> <头>
scH=16, scW=8
scH=8, scW=4
scH=2, scW=1
scH=16, scW=8 scH=8, scW=4 scH=2, scW=1
class ImageToASCIIArt {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    char[][] chars = readImage("/tmp/image.jpg", 16, 8);
    writeToFile("/tmp/image.txt", chars);

  static char[][] readImage(String path, int scH, int scW) throws IOException {
    BufferedImage image = File(path));
    int height = image.getHeight() / scH;
    int width = image.getWidth() / scW;
    char[][] chars = new char[height][width];
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
        // scaling image and accumulating colors
        int colorRGB = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < scH; k++)
          for (int p = 0; p < scW; p++)
            colorRGB += image.getRGB(j * scW + p, i * scH + k);
        // get the average color
        Color color = new Color(colorRGB / (scH * scW));
        // read the R, G, B values of the color and get the average brightness
        int brightness = (color.getRed()+color.getGreen()+color.getBlue()) / 3;
        // get a character depending on the brightness value
        chars[i][j] = getDensity(brightness);
    return chars;

  static final String DENSITY =

  static char getDensity(int value) {
    // Since we don't have 255 characters, we have to use percentages
    int charValue = (int) Math.round(DENSITY.length() / 255.0 * value);
    charValue = Math.max(charValue, 0);
    charValue = Math.min(charValue, DENSITY.length() - 1);
    return DENSITY.charAt(charValue);

  static void writeToFile(String path, char[][] chars) throws IOException {
    FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(path);
    for (char[] row : chars) {
      String str = String.valueOf(row);

另请参阅:Restore an image from an ASCII artDraw an ASCII art from an image

关于java - 将位图转换为 ASCII 艺术,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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