java - 如何放置正确的 DBFLow 注释

标签 java sqlite orm annotations mapping

但我不知道如何在列表属性 specializationsphoneNumbers 上做到这一点。

@Table(databaseName = WMDatabase.NAME)
public class Doctor extends BaseModel{

@Unique(unique = true)
private String doctorId;

private FullName fullName;

private String organizationId;

@Column What shuld i put here?????
private List<Specialization> specializations;

@Column What shuld i put here?????    
private Contacts contacts;


public class Contacts extends BaseModel {

private List<PhoneNumber> phoneNumbers;
private String email;
private String fax;

public class Specialization extends BaseModel {

@Unique(unique = true)
private String doctorId;

@Unique(unique = true)
private String specializationName;

public String getSpecializationName() {
    return specializationName;

public void setSpecializationName(String specializationName) {
    this.specializationName = specializationName;


根据文档 here,DBFlow 是一个关系数据库系统(不是 mongo 类型的键/值存储)并且不支持列表作为列。 .

List : List columns are not supported and not generally proper for a relational database. However, you can get away with a non-generic List column via a TypeConverter. But again, avoid this if you can.

关于 relationships 的文档可以帮助您改进模型以满足您的需要。

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