java - 从 Java 程序创建 Mac OSX 包

标签 java macos bundle executable


我如何创建一个 Mac OSX 可执行文件 (.app) 包,以便我可以将它发送给其他人,然后他们可以通过双击在他们的 Mac 上启动它?


你应该检查的是javapackager ,尤其是参数 native 及其值 image

javapackager -deploy -native image -appclass fqn.of.MyClass -srcfiles /path/to/my.jar

-native type

Generate self-contained application bundles (if possible). Use the -B option to provide arguments to the bundlers being used. If type is specified, then only a bundle of this type is created. If no type is specified, all is used.

The following values are valid for type:

all: Runs all of the installers for the platform on which it is running, and creates a disk image for the application. This value is used if type is not specified.

installer: Runs all of the installers for the platform on which it is running.

image: Creates a disk image for the application. On OS X, the image is the .app file. On Linux, the image is the directory that gets installed.

dmg: Generates a DMG file for OS X.

pkg: Generates a .pkg package for OS X.

mac.appStore: Generates a package for the Mac App Store.

rpm: Generates an RPM package for Linux.

deb: Generates a Debian package for Linux.

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