java - 在两个数组中查找重复值

标签 java arrays


文件 1 包含:

1913 2016 1 1913 186
2016 1711 32843 2016 518
3 1913 32843 32001 4
250 5 3500 6 7
8 27 73 9 10
1711 73 11 2 1.4
1.4 12 33.75278 84.38611 1913
19 1930 20 21 1947
22 1955 23 1961 23
1969 27 1995 26 27
1962 28 29 30 1970
31 31 

文件 2 包含:

1913 2016 32843 31 27 1.4 4 7 2 23

我试图在 file2 中查找在 file1 中重复的值,以及重复的次数。


 public static void findDuplicates() {

        // array for first file
        for (int n = 0; n < nums.size(); n++) {

            // matches are false by default
            boolean match = false;

            int count = 0;

                String v = nums.get(n);

            // array for second file
            for (int k = 0; k < nums1.size(); k++) {

                String p = nums1.get(k);

                // second file contains values from first file
                if (p.contains(v)) {

                    // there is a match
                    match = true;

                    // when there is a match print out matched values and the number of times they appear in second file
                    if (match) {


                        System.out.println( p + " " + "is duped" + " " + count + " " + "times");







31 is duped 1 times




 public static ArrayList<String> nums;
 public static ArrayList<String> nums1;

    //Create a main method to start the program.
    //Add FileNot FoundException in case the file can't be found by computer.
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException{

        //The while will help us read the content into our computer piece by piece. It will not stop until the end of assignment.csv.


                //Create a String variable - TempString. We use TempString to store each piece temporarily.

                String TempString =;

                String temp1 = TempString.replaceAll("[\\,]", "");

                String pattern1 = "[0-9]+\\.{1}[0-9]+";

                //Compile the Regular Expression into Pattern and store it in r1 so that the computer can understand the Regular Expression.
                Pattern r1 = Pattern.compile(pattern1);

                Matcher m1 = r1.matcher(temp1);

                String pattern2 = "[0-9]+";

                //Compile the Regular Expression into Pattern and store it in r2 so that the computer can understand the Regular Expression.
                Pattern r2 = Pattern.compile(pattern2);

                Matcher m2 = r2.matcher(temp1);

                nums = new ArrayList<String>();

                //Recollect, m1 is used to match decimal numbers.

                if(!(m1.find())){//if a decimal number CAN'T be found

                    //We use while statement instead of if statement here. 
                    //If there is only one piece per line, we can use either while statement or if statement.
                    //However, we have to use while statement if there is more than one piece per line.
                    while(m2.find()) {//if an integer number CAN be found
                        //If an Integer is found, we add 1 to Variable count.

                        //Even though the number (i.e., is an Integer, its data type is String. So we store it to a String variable - number.

                        String number =;


                        //If the remainder of count by 5 is zero, we display the number and advance to a new line.
                        if (count % 5 == 0){


                        //Otherwise, we just display the number on the same line and divide numbers by a space.
                            System.out.print(number + " ");


                //If we find a decimal number
                        //We add 1 to Variable count.


                        //Even though the number (i.e., is a decimal number, its data type is String. So we store it to a String variable - number.

                        String number =;


                        //If the remainder of count by 5 is zero, we display the number and advance to a new line.
                        if (count % 5 == 0) {



                        //Otherwise, we just display the number on the same line and divide numbers by a space.
                            System.out.print(number + " ");



    FILE1.close();//Once we finish the task, we close the file.


            //Create a String variable - TempString. We use TempString to store each piece temporarily.
            String TempString =;

            //So I use replaceAll function to eliminate comma (,) and store the new string in temp1.
            String temp1 = TempString.replaceAll("[\\,]", "");

            String pattern1 = "[0-9]+\\.{1}[0-9]+";

            //Compile the Regular Expression into Pattern and store it in r1 so that the computer can understand the Regular Expression.
            Pattern r1 = Pattern.compile(pattern1);

            //Match the Regular Expression with the piece (temp1) we read from assignment.csv.
            Matcher m1 = r1.matcher(temp1);

            String pattern2 = "[0-9]+";

            //Compile the Regular Expression into Pattern and store it in r2 so that the computer can understand the Regular Expression.
            Pattern r2 = Pattern.compile(pattern2);

            //Match the Regular Expression with the piece (temp1) we read from assignment.csv.
            Matcher m2 = r2.matcher(temp1);

            nums1 = new ArrayList<String>();

            //We have two types of numbers - Integer and Decimal
            //Let's start us Integer.
            //Recollect, m1 is used to match decimal numbers.
            if(!(m1.find())){//if a decimal number CAN'T be found

                //We use while statement instead of if statement here.
                //If there is only one piece per line, we can use either while statement or if statement.
                //However, we have to use while statement if there is more than one piece per line.
                while(m2.find()) {//if an integer number CAN be found
                    //If an Integer is found, we add 1 to Variable count.

                    //Even though the number (i.e., is an Integer, its data type is String. So we store it to a String variable - number.

                    String number =;


                    //If the remainder of count by 5 is zero, we display the number and advance to a new line.
                    if (count % 5 == 0){


                    //Otherwise, we just display the number on the same line and divide numbers by a space.
                        System.out.println(/*number + " "*/);


            //If we find a decimal number
                //We add 1 to Variable count.


                //Even though the number (i.e., is a decimal number, its data type is String. So we store it to a String variable - number.

                String number =;


                //If the remainder of count by 5 is zero, we display the number and advance to a new line.
                if (count % 5 == 0){

                //Otherwise, we just display the number on the same line and divide numbers by a space.
                    System.out.println(/*number + " "*/);




        FILE2.close();//Once we finish the task, we close the file.





1913 is duplicated 3 times.
2016 is duplicated 2 times.
32843 is duplicated 1 times.
31 is duplicated 2 times..... 



String p = nums.get(k)

在我的 findDuplicates() 方法中只返回值 31,而不返回其他值。我正在努力解决问题,并会在解决问题时发布答案。


我认为最大的问题是打印行在第二个 for 循环内。
此外,我会删除 boolean 值并只比较 2 个字符串 (p==v)


public static void main(String[] args) {
    // array for second file
    for (int n = 0; n < nums1.size(); n++) {

        // matches are false by default

        int count = 0;

            String v = nums1.get(n);

        // array for first file
        for (int k = 0; k < nums.size(); k++) {

            String p = nums.get(k);

            // second file contains values from first file
            if (p==v) {



        System.out.println( v + " " + "is duped" + " " + count + " " + "times");




您可以查看现场演示 here .


1913 is duped 4 times
2016 is duped 3 times
32843 is duped 2 times
31 is duped 2 times
27 is duped 3 times
1.4 is duped 2 times
4 is duped 1 times
7 is duped 1 times
2 is duped 1 times
23 is duped 2 times

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