java - 读取 Spring JPA Repository 中未提交的数据

标签 java spring locking spring-data-jpa spring-transactions

我在 Spring Boot Application 中的服务方法被多个线程访问,一个线程正在修改 DB 中的数据。


在 stackoverflow 上长时间搜索后,我对相关方法使用了以下注释。

import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Isolation;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Propagation;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;

@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW, isolation = Isolation.READ_UNCOMMITTED)
public void accept(Event<String> event) {}



我使用了实体管理器的 flush() 方法,但没有成功。



READ_UNCOMMITTED 隔离级别允许其他事务在提交之前查看您的第一个事务写入的内容。它不需要发生这种情况,也不会影响锁。但根据您的评论,您真正想要实现的是以某种方式正确锁定数据库行,以便其他人无法访问它们。

执行此操作的 JPA 方法是使用适当的锁定模式查询数据:

Lock modes can be specified by means of the EntityManager lock method, the methods of the EntityManager, Query, and TypedQuery interfaces that allow lock modes to be specified, and the NamedQuery annotation.

(来自 JPA Specification 的 3.4.4)


If transaction T1 calls lock(entity, LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_READ) or lock(entity, LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_WRITE)onanobject,the entitymanager must ensure that neither of the following phenomena can occur:

  • P1 (Dirty read): Transaction T1 modifies a row. Another transaction T2 then reads that row and obtains the modified value, before T1 has committed or rolled back.
  • P2 (Non-repeatable read): Transaction T1 reads a row. Another transaction T2 then modifies or deletes that row, before T1 has committed or rolled back.

(来自 JPA Specification 的

您可以通过使用 @Lock 将这些锁定模式与 Spring Data JPA 一起使用注释。

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