java - 通过 Rest Assured 获取 Rest API URI 的状态代码 415 但通过 Rest Client 工作正常

标签 java rest rest-assured

安心拿到415错误。相同的 URI 在浏览器中与 Rest 客户端一起工作正常。我从 Rest 客户端收到响应代码 200。

public static Response response;
public static String jsonAsString;

public static void setupURL()
    // here we setup the default URL and API base path to use throughout the tests
    RestAssured.baseURI = "######url##########";
    //RestAssured.basePath = "/api/v1";
    RestAssured.authentication = basic("password", "password");
    Header acceptJson = new Header("content-type", "application/json");

public void getImageThroughImageid(){
    RequestSpecification httpRequest = RestAssured.given();
    Response response = httpRequest.request(Method.GET, "/images/imageid");




.header("Content-Type","application/json" )
 .header("Accept","application/json" )

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