java - 如何以编程方式将 shift 键应用于字符?

标签 java javafx unicode keyboard

我正在尝试实现等效于键盘“shift”键的功能,当按下该键时,会将 UI 文本更新为大写字母,或者例如“@”而不是 2。

我已经尝试了 toCapital 和 toLowerCase 函数,但它们似乎不适用于可以说是两者中更重要的符号。


UI Element x;
UI Element five;

// Hopefully this shifting function would return
applyShift(x.getText()) == 'X' TRUE
applyShift(five.getText()) == '%' TRUE

// and if we were to apply shift again they would go back to their original values

Does a function like this exist?





import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

enum KeyboardLayout {
    // Would need to include additional supported keyboard layouts here.

class Scratch {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String input = "Hello123";

        System.out.println(applyShift(input, getShiftMap(KeyboardLayout.QWERTY)));


    private static String applyShift(String string, Map shiftMap) {

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        for (char c : string.toCharArray()) {

            // If a "shifted" value exists, use it, otherwise keep the original char
            if (shiftMap.get(c) != null) {
            } else {

        return sb.toString();


    private static Map<Character, Character> getShiftMap(KeyboardLayout layout) {

        // Map to hold our entire keyboard layout
        Map<Character, Character> shiftMap = new HashMap<>();

        // Here we would need to map each and every key that has a "shifted" value. Capital letters would not need to
        // be accounted for as they are already "shifted"
        switch (layout) {
            case QWERTY:
                shiftMap.put('h', 'H');
                shiftMap.put('e', 'E');
                shiftMap.put('l', 'L');
                shiftMap.put('o', 'O');
                shiftMap.put('1', '!');
                shiftMap.put('2', '@');
                shiftMap.put('3', '#');
                // Etc, etc, etc

        return shiftMap;

此示例的打印输出是 HELLO!@#

为了处理相反的情况(找到 UN-shifted 字符),您需要创建和维护另一个 Map,或者使用第 3 方 API,例如 Google 的 Guava 库和他们的 BiMap .

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