java - Java Rest api 中的资源实例

标签 java web-services rest restful-url

我有一个java Rest api。我想知道的是:

假设一个特定客户端(例如,名为 X 的人正在使用计算机 Y)对同一 uri 进行了 3 次调用。 (例如 )。此外,假设资源有一个非静态计数器。

class ResourceA{
     int count = 0;

     public Response service(){
        //return count below



或者调用者在第一次调用时获取 1,在第二次调用时获取 2,然后在第三次调用时获取 3



假设您正在使用正确遵循 JAX-RS 规范的内容。

3.1.1 Lifecycle and Environment

By default a new resource class instance is created for each request to that resource. First the constructor (see section 3.1.2) is called, then any requested dependencies are injected (see section 3.2), then the appropriate method (see section 3.3) is invoked and finally the object is made available for garbage collection. An implementation MAY offer other resource class lifecycles, mechanisms for specifying these are outside the scope of this specification. E.g. an implementation based on an inversion-of-control framework may support all of the lifecycle options provided by that framework.

因此,您的问题的答案是,当针对每个请求启动类(class)时,所有调用者都会收到 1

参见JSR-311对于 JAX-RS 规范。

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