java - 如何知道连接到系统的输入设备有哪些

标签 java hardware






要查找连接到系统的 USB 设备,您可以使用 jUSB 。这个article有关于如何使用 api 的更深入的信息。特别是,要查找所有 USB 设备(对文章稍作修改):

Host host = HostFactory.getHost();
// Obtain a list of the USB buses available on the Host.
Bus[] bus  = host.getBusses();

// Traverse through all the USB buses.
for (int i = 0; i < bus.length; i++) {
    // Access the root hub on the USB bus and obtain the number of USB ports available on the root hub.
    Device root = bus[i].getRootHub();
    int totalPorts = root.getNumPorts();

    // Traverse through all the USB ports available on the 
    // root hub. It should be mentioned that the numbering 
    // starts from 1, not 0.
    for (int j=1; j<=total_port; j++) {
        // Obtain the Device connected to the port.
        Device device = root.getChild(j);
        if (device != null) {
                    // USB device available, do something here.

同样,您可以使用 MIDI 系统的 api 来查找连接了哪些 MIDI 设备,请参阅 the java tutorials了解更多信息。

关于java - 如何知道连接到系统的输入设备有哪些,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:



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