java - 从 Frege 调用 native Java 构造函数

标签 java jvm native frege

你知道在哪里可以找到有关 Frege 的 Java 绑定(bind)的文档吗?来自 Haskell,我发现 Frege 最有趣的方面。 documentation不幸的是我发现并没有详细说明。

这是我的测试示例。基本上,我想翻译以下 Java 代码:

BigDecimal x = BigDecimal.valueOf(7);
BogDecimal y = new BigDecimal("5.13");


module Main where

data JBigDecimal s = pure native java.math.BigDecimal
  pure native jAdd add :: JBigDecimal RealWorld -> JBigDecimal RealWorld -> JBigDecimal RealWorld
  pure native jShow toString :: JBigDecimal RealWorld -> String

pure native jBigDecimalI java.math.BigDecimal.valueOf :: Int -> JBigDecimal RealWorld

-- ERROR: Here, I don't know what I should write.
-- I want to bind to the BigDecimal(String) constructor.
-- I tried several versions but none of them was successful, e.g.:
pure native jBigDecimalS java.math.BigDecimal.BigDecimal :: String -> JBigDecimal RealWorld

main :: [String] -> IO ()
main args = let x = jBigDecimalI 7
                y = jBigDecimalS "5.13"
                z = JBigDecimal.jAdd x y
            in printStrLn $ (JBigDecimal.jShow z)
-- (BTW, why `printStrLn` and not `putStrLn` as it is called in Haskell?)


calling: javac -cp fregec-3.21.jar:. -d . -encoding UTF-8 ./ 
./ error: cannot find symbol
        return java.math.BigDecimal.BigDecimal(
  symbol:   method BigDecimal(String)
  location: class BigDecimal
1 error
E frege-repl/ java compiler errors are most likely caused by
    erronous native definitions



pure native jBigDecimalS new :: String -> JBigDecimal RealWorld

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