java - 设置保持插入顺序并提供索引访问的实现

标签 java data-structures

我目前正在寻找 Set 的 Java 实现,它保留原始插入顺序并提供按索引的访问。另外,我想要一个批量appendAll()方法,它接受另一个集合并将其附加到末尾(重复项除外,因为这是一个集合)。




怎么样ListOrderedSet在 Apache Commons 中?

Decorates another Set to ensure that the order of addition is retained and used by the iterator.

If an object is added to the set for a second time, it will remain in the original position in the iteration. The order can be observed from the set via the iterator or toArray methods.

The ListOrderedSet also has various useful direct methods. These include many from List, such as get(int), remove(int) and indexOf(int). An unmodifiable List view of the set can be obtained via asList().

它实现了 java.util.Set,但由于 .get(index) 不是 Set 定义的方法,因此您需要确保将其作为 ListOrderedSet 而不是 Set 传递。

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